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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Trump Responds After "Do Nothing Democrats" Storm Out Of The Cabinet Room


Trump Responds After "Do Nothing Democrats" Storm Out Of The Cabinet Room

Update (1900ET): President Trump has begun to respond to Chuck and Nancy's claims.
The Good...
The Bad...
And The Ugly...
*  *  *
In a press conference Wednesday afternoon, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused President Trump of having a "meltdown" during a meeting with Congressional Democratic leaders after a contingent of Republicans voted with Democrats in the House to pass a motion condemning the withdrawal from Syria (129 Republicans in support, with 60 GOP lawmakers opposed).
"I think that vote - the size of the vote, more than 2-1 of the Republicans voted to oppose what the president did - probably got to the president. Because he was shaken up by it,” Pelosi said
“And that’s why we couldn’t continue in the meeting because he was just not relating to the reality of it.”
She later said Trump had a "meltdown."
Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said Trump called Pelosi “a third-rate politician” and hurled other insults in a “nasty diatribe.” But, Pelosi later clarified that Trump called her a “third grade politician” in the meeting. Not a “third rate politician” as Schumer said - which makes zero sense.

Of course, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy had a different view of things, saying that Pelosi stormed out of the meeting, and tried to make it unproductive...“Unfortunately the speaker tries to make everything political.”
All of this echoes the May meeting between Pelosi, Schumer and Trump in the Oval Officewhere Dems similarly stormed out of a meeting about infrastructure after Trump said he wouldn't work with them unless they dropped all of the investigations against him.
We look forward to Trump's version of things.

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