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Thursday, October 17, 2019

HAHAHA : “I responded to a 911 call of a man with a gun on the Skydance bridge today. These guys from Latvia (eastern Europe near Russia) are traveling across the U.S.A.


Macho, macho men! OKCPD respond to gun call only to find international visitors in photoshoot

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – An Oklahoma City police officer responded to a 911 call of a man with a gun on the Skydance Bridge on Wednesday, but what he found was a lot more innocent and unexpected than that.
Lt. Goodman walked up to the bridge, preparing to find a man with a gun. Instead, he found a group of guys from Latvia traveling across the US.
The men told Goodman it never occurred to them that the pics they were taking for Instagram could cause alarm when they used fake handguns as props.
“It looked like The Village People when I first got there…they were all still in costume! They were super nice and apologetic,” said the Lieutenant.
Well, as The Village People sang in their iconic song, YMCA, “’cause you’re in a new town, there’s no need to be unhappy!”

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