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Saturday, August 10, 2019

Two Tiered System Of Justice: Top FBI Officials Escape Prosecution, While Others Pay Heavy Price


Two Tiered System Of Justice: Top FBI Officials Escape Prosecution, While Others Pay Heavy Price

All we need is what we already know.
And what we know is that top senior officials at the FBI, thus far, have escaped any prosecution for lying and leaking.
It wasn’t the same for others.
Just look at Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who is still fighting for justice against a bureaucracy that didn’t want him snooping around to discover how those in senior positions of power in the intelligence community and law enforcement were breaking the law and the spine of the U.S. constitution with unwarranted unmaskings, spying and weaponization of the intelligence apparatus.
Flynn was targeted by former Obama Administration officials from the very beginning. Remember how former FBI Director James Comey laughed publicly about how he set up the former National Security Advisor. He also contends it wouldn’t have happened to another administration:
Comey admitted he didn’t go through the White House counsel’s office, but arranged the meeting with FBI Special Agents Joe Pientka and Peter Strzok directly with Flynn. He said it was not standard practice. He said it was “something I probably wouldn’t have done or maybe gotten away with in a more … organized administration.”
Let’s not forget that both Strzok and Pientka did not believe Flynn was lying when he spoke to them about the conversation he had with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. In fact, they had the record of the conversation but didn’t tell Flynn they had it when asking him to recall the conversation. Comey even admitted to the fact that the agents didn’t believe Flynn was lying but it didn’t matter. The power of the Special Counsel prosecutors, the threat against dragging his son into the mess and their deep purse was enough to push Flynn to plead guilty.
Comey, however, didn’t need to be pushed. He openly admitted to leaking his confidential memos, of which some contained classified information, to the media. He admitted he did it  through a close friend with the intention of getting his other friend former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to call for a Special Counsel against President Trump. Comey knew full well the information regarding conspiracy with Russia was unverified garbage and he knew Trump had every right to fire him under Article 2 of the constitution. It didn’t matter.
Comey obviously felt protected. He wasn’t worried about prosecution because those that would hold him accountable were already on his side and they wanted to target Trump. He also had lap dogs in the media spewing every lie he, along with his cohorts, to decided to put out and no one questioning their intentions or actions. It is a perfect storm.
I guess this is why so many people were stunned when DOJ attorney General William Barrdeclined prosecution of Comey for leaking. And although sources have told this reporter that the prosecution would not have been as solid as what the information being collected by appointed Connecticut Attorney John Durham, who is investigating the matter,  I’m still not certain that I believe it. I, like so many others, have become a little jaded over the developments.
I said, a little, because I haven’t given up all hope. I know America cannot afford to have a two-tiered system of justice and I believe in Barr, for now.
Liberty does not exist in a banana republic, where there is one set of rules for the political elite and another for its citizens. It would be the beginning of the destruction of the foundation our nation was built on: The Constitution.
If we no longer believe in what it says, what will it mean? It will mean nothing and our nation will no longer be that beacon of light for so many around the world that live in unjust societies.
But it’s hard to believe when we see what happened with former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was referred to the Department of Justice by Inspector General Michael Horowitz in 2018, for leaking information to the media and lying multiple times to investigators. Now it appears McCabe knew early on after Horowitz’s referred him that the DOJ, then under Attorney General Jeff Sessions, would not pursue charges against him. Sessions also failed to pursue charges against former Deputy Assistant Director of International Operations Bryn Paarmann, who leaked information related to the Russia investigation that was sealed in court documents, as first reported on SaraACarter.com.
No wonder McCabe is so emboldened. He’s been all over MSNBC and other cable news outlets recently pushing more and more lies about President Trump and now snobbishly pushing a lawsuit against the DOJ and FBI to reinstate him.
As an American, I’m more than disturbed -I’m sickened – by their uncanny ability to skirt the law and how their friends in high ranking positions are working diligently still to protect them.
If it wasn’t for Judicial Watch’s tenacity and perseverance to obtain documents through the Freedom of Information Act process we wouldn’t have the whole story. Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, discussed at length this past week that the records reveal that  14 referrals of FBI employees were given to the bureau’s internal Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) for the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive or classified information. Only four of those people were reprimanded. They, however, did not get the same treatment as Flynn, whose fighting in the courts for his freedom and spent millions of dollars defending himself against the deep purse of the government.
And Judicial Watch has not stopped fighting. The group is going to court for McCabe’s internal texts. There’s a reason why the senior brass at the FBI don’t want those public and has been doing everything to keep those texts from going public.
Just read this section below from one of the latest trove of documents obtained by the watchdog group: It describes exactly when and how McCabe got away with lying and leaking.
“SES [Senior Executive Service] employee released the FBI Sensitive information to a reporter and lacked candor not under oath and under oath when questioned about it, in violation of Offense Codes 4.10 (Unauthorized Disclosure – Sensitive Information); 2.5 (Lack of Candor- No Oath); and 2.6 (Lack of Candor – Under Oath).
The proposed decision in this matter was made by the AD, OPR.  The final decision was made by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. DOK retains final decision-making authority for certain high-ranking FBI officials.

MITIGATION: Employee as (redacted) years of FBI service and a remarkable performance record. Employee was facing unprecedented challengers and pressures.
AGGRAVATION: Employee held an extremely high position and was expected to comport himself with the utmost integrity. Lack of candor is incompatible with the FBI’s Core Values.
                              OPR FINAL DECISION:  DISMISSAL
McCabe was fired from the FBI on March 16, 2018, for leaking to the media and lacking “candor.” Then-U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a statement said:
After an extensive and fair investigation and according to Department of Justice procedure, the Department’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) provided its report on allegations of misconduct by Andrew McCabe to the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR).
The FBI’s OPR then reviewed the report and underlying documents and issued a disciplinary proposal recommending the dismissal of Mr. McCabe. Both the OIG and FBI OPR reports concluded that Mr. McCabe had made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor − including under oath − on multiple occasions.”

We Should Demand Justice

Americans need to demand that justice be equal. We need to keep fighting for the truth and hold those in positions accountable. Remember they work for us. We pay them with our taxes and they are only allowed to do what we allow them to do.
We are not a banana republic. We are a nation of exceptional people with a document so precious that we are the envy of other nations and people.
We should not give that away to hungry political beasts bent on power because in the end, I’ve said this before, we will only have ourselves to blame.

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