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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Holiday humor (kinda) from Home Writers' Room Chat About Shop Creationists claim Kepler 22-b only three days old. More soon. Battersea Dogs Home to start taking in abandoned pensioners

Battersea Dogs Home to start taking in abandoned pensioners

Following rising concern about the cost of retirement homes and the poor standard of care, Battersea Dogs Home has decided to branch out and beginning providing shelter to abandoned pensioners.
‘We have found OAPs down country lanes, in other people’s sheds, and even one who had been put in a sack with bricks and thrown in the canal,’ said John Hert, head of pensioner welfare at Battersea Dogs Home. ‘By giving them a large cage, food three times a day and a walk at lunchtime, we are providing a standard of living way above that provided in a care home.’
The home managers have encountered many shocking stories. ‘My relatives took me to a park and told me they would be back in a minute,’ said 77-year-old Doug. ‘After three weeks I realised they weren’t coming back.’
As the festive season approaches, relatives of the elderly are being reminded that old people are for life, not just for Christmas.
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Posted: Dec 8th, 2011 by Perks

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