Follow up on Recently a nine-year-old boy made news for being suspended from school. His “crime”? Calling his teacher cute.
Don’t you love it when PC backfires?
Posted by Gatordoug
I know I do. One of the most disturbing trends over the past decade has been children, being punished, suspended, maybe even expelled from school, for being children. The list of kids, hurt by “zero tolerance” is long, and troubling. Recently a nine-year-old boy made news for being suspended from school. His “crime”? Calling his teacher cute. Yes, apparently that innocent remark is sexual harassment to the politically correct. The Lonely Conservative has the story for us, with not only a happy ending, but with punishment for the idiot principal who made the asinine decision to punish this child.
The principal of the school in North Carolina that suspended a nine year old student for calling his teacher “cute” has resigned. He claims he was treated unfairly.Jerry Bostic told The Gaston Gazette he could understand being written up for the suspension and having someone follow up during the school year, but he added that he was disappointed because this is how his 44 years in education ended.“To me it’s a really sad final note to a career that I have found very satisfying and enjoy working with kids,” Bostic said. “I really don’t believe I was treated fairly.”
Awww, he was treated unfairly? Too bad. Some might think it mean to celebrate the firing of this man, but to me, people with his lack of judgement do not belong anywhere near kids, good riddance! I wish the same thing would happen to every teacher/principal who punishes kids for acting like kids.As The Lonely Conservative puts it……..
Kinda reminds me of this funny although bogus story.....Well, now he knows how that young boy felt when he was suspended.
New data loss scandal as civil servant ‘left on train’

‘It was the first time Mr Coverdale had ever been taken out of the office,’ said Gus O’Donnell, head of the UK civil service, ‘and we now accept this was a serious error of judgement. He was happiest in his natural environment – at his desk, among his papers, a spreadsheet open in front of him and a mug of Earl Grey at his side. I’ve ordered an urgent review of our social exposure policy.’
Under further questioning, however, a clearly embarrassed Mr O’Donnell was forced to admit that Mr Coverdale may not have been encrypted. It is now feared that if someone with the right training were able to get beyond the mundane exterior, it would be relatively easy to get information out of him – a view supported by colleagues who were talked out of consciousness at the recent Christmas party as Mr Coverdale recalled the Great Ring-Binder Shortage of 1983.
‘If there’s one chink in the terrorist’s armour,’ said shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling today, ‘it’s their slapdash administrative practices. The loss of Mr Coverdale, one of our brightest clerical stars, raises the worrying prospect that if he fell into the hands of a terrorist group, his paper-shuffling skills could be put to deadly effect. Al Qaeda have always struggled to recruit white, middle-aged administrators, and Mr Coverdale could be exactly what they’re looking for.’
The government was quick to play down the risk, however, and the security services have wasted no time in lowering the nation’s threat level. ‘We believe that the stringent administrative controls Mr Coverdale would bring to a terrorist group’s operations,’ said Home Secretary Jacqui Smith today, ‘greatly reduces the likelihood of an imminent attack. From what we’ve heard, you’d never catch him releasing suicide bombers for a mission without all the relevant disclaimers being signed in triplicate. And with all the sub-committees and budget meetings Mr Coverdale is likely to insist on introducing, it seems that any 2012 Olympic terror bid is certain to come in past the deadline and over budget.’ The Home Secretary went on to say that further mislaying of officials had not been ruled out.
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