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Thursday, November 3, 2011

This makes sense about the Herman Cain Allegations from one who understands ...

Sean Hannity and Karl Rove today 03NOV2011

I listened to Karl Rove today on the Sean Hannity show, and I couldn’t help but clearly see the bias Mr. Rove has in favor of Mitt Romney for President. Karl Rove made a statement that was outright false and I was shocked Sean Hannity didn’t correct him and clarify the reality of what a severance package is and what it means to accept one. The specific statement made by Mr. Karl Rove (and which made me so damned angry) was approximately as follows:
“The women that made the allegations against Mr. Cain chose to accept very lucrative severance packages in lieu of pressing charges; in one case it was approximately 5 months’ severance, and in another case it was almost a year’s severance, and based on this there clearly had to have been some truth to their allegations or they would never have received such lucrative exit-offers.”
Lucrative my ASS! Bull-Crap!!! I personally worked in the Aerospace Sector for almost my entire career after exiting the U.S. Army, and when my company offered a “VRIF” (voluntary reduction in force) I carefully examined the “severance” package, then weighed it against my unique situation, life-expectancy, financial positioning etc..., and chose to accept it. Everyone typically negotiates something unique based on their years of service with their corporate entity, or whether or not they’ll lose a pending bonus at the end of the year etc… As an example, I have a very close friend (within the banking industry) who literally received 3-months pay for every year of service rendered to her company, and she was with their corporate team for 20+ years. One of the reasons her package was so lucrative is because she would have lost a pending bonus based on her exit date, so they made it up to her via a customized severance agreement.
What I’m trying to say here is that every single person is literally unique and few people ever get an identical severance package. It just doesn’t work that way, and absolutely everything is negotiable including potential continuation of medical benefits or some other “carrot” a corporation may choose to throw in. And it is because every severance package is totally unique and customized that the corporation providing it typically demands you sign a “non-disclosure agreement” to receive it. If they didn’t do this, corporations would likely be hit with lawsuit after lawsuit containing untold allegations of unfairness and further demands for more enhanced benefits by those individuals that may feel they were shortchanged in comparison to their peers etc…
No, I do not know what the corporate roles were of these women (Executive?, Administrative?, Human Resources?) or what their salaries may have been, but even without this information I can confidently say that what those women received was to my mind laughable in the extreme, and so base in nature that I now firmly believe their charges were likely either entirely false, or so embellished from the reality that they knew to take the few peanuts they were offered in lieu of fighting (and thereby risking getting nothing at all).
Karl Rove should be slapped! He knew this when he spoke and he also knew what they received was laughable! And yet Mr. Rove played it like their payout was enormous and of great consequence (obtained of course to supposedly force them to remain silent –again false! No signee no checkie!). What an ASS!
All the best,
Gene (Rick) Maze « Less
1 hour 27 mins ago (Edited) 

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