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Friday, October 14, 2011

Chi-Town Bullying at it's Finest , Obama's people going after Alabama for doing the immigration job Obama doesn't want to do..


 Chi-Town Bullying at it's Finest , Obama's people going after Alabama for doing the immigration job Obama doesn't want to do..

 “We have been here in town … to listen and learn and collect information about all of the effects of the bill,” Tom Perez, assistant attorney general for the department’s Civil Rights Division, said in a Friday press conference.
Alabamans “are not allowed to racially profile,” said Perez, before he listed a series of disparaging claims that he and his staff had heard from advocates in the state. (RELATED: Justice Dept. files emergency appeal to block Alabama immigration law)
“We’re monitoring very troubling data about absenteeism and withdrawals of Hispanic kids [from schools] … we’re hearing a number of reports about increases in bullying in schools that we’re investigating …. [and] we’re beginning to hear information regarding [potentially improper] arrests,” he said, without offering evidence that such episodes had occurred or were crimes.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/10/14/obamas-inspectors-scour-alabama-for-immigration-law-abuses/#ixzz1aoMMFcA7
 Notice that while they are being bullies to the state of Alabama , they say they are there to investigate school bullying..

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