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Saturday, October 22, 2011

America’s collective conscience wants true democracy restored..Paul B. Ferrel calls for Wall street to be crashed and end Reganomics .. These are the Neo Commies that Obama is fueling..

Yes, USA Today sees a “ragtag” army: No mission, no goals, no organization, no agenda, no leaders, and no staying power. Wrong. Look deeper: The Occupiers are the voice of America’s collective conscience demanding a return to our 1776 roots, to a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.”

America’s collective conscience wants true democracy restored..Paul B. Ferrel  calls for Wall street to be crashed and end Reganomics .. These are the Neo Commies that Obama is fueling..

Our collective inner voice knows America’s moral compass is broken. We’ve become a government “of, by and for” special interests, the wealthiest 1%, Wall Street insiders, CEOs and Forbes-400 billionaires. It happened fast: In one generation the Super Rich grabbed “absolute power,” killing the middle class American dream.
Wall Street banks are already dismissing the Occupiers … planning bigger bonuses this year… lifting limits on their license to gamble Main Street deposits in the $600 trillion global derivatives casino … they already spend hundreds of millions lobbying every year … they’re convinced they can defeat the Occupiers with campaign donations in the back rooms of Congress … writing off the fight as another business expense … ultimately expecting the Occupiers will vanish into the cold winter months. 

 So Jew Haters and free-market Haters unite in Occupy Wall street...All the collectivist ( communist) hold their collective breath as they try to topple America...

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