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Saturday, October 22, 2011

,American Downgrade in November or December Says BOA..I don't know why this would be a shock ???


 ,American Downgrade in November or December Says BOA..I don't know why this would be a shock ???

 We expect a moderate slowdown in the beginning of next year, as two small policy shocks—another debt downgrade and fiscal tightening—hit the economy. The “not-so-super” Deficit Commission is very unlikely to come up with a credible deficit-reduction plan. The committee is more divided than the overall Congress. Since the fall-back plan is sharp cuts in discretionary spending, the whole point of the Committee is to put taxes and entitlements on the table

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/huge-prediction-from-bofa-another-us-debt-downgrade-is-coming-in-just-a-few-weeks-2011-10#ixzz1bYQIdnLI

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