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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

"They Raped Us So Many Times": DHS Secretary Reveals Every Migrant Girl Over Age 10 Gets Pregnancy Test


"They Raped Us So Many Times": DHS Secretary Reveals Every Migrant Girl Over Age 10 Gets Pregnancy Test

There is so much rape going on at the southern US border that every migrant girl over the age of 10 is given a pregnancy test after arriving in the United States, according to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. 
"Very unfortunately, because of the increase in violence, at ICE, when we have families with children, we have to give every girl a pregnancy test over 10. This is not a safe journey," Nielsen said during Wednesday testimony to the House Homeland Security Committee.

As the Daily Mail's David Martosko notes, nearly 1/3 of women surveyed in 2017 by Doctors Without Borders reported being sexually abused during their journey
Doctors Without Borders reported in 2017 that '68.3 percent of the migrant and refugee populations entering Mexico' from Central America 'reported being victims of violence during their transit toward the United States.'
And '[n]early one-third of the women surveyed had been sexually abused during their journey,' the group concluded. -Daily Mail
On Wednesday, the New York Times reported on the sexual assault crisis migrant women are facing - starting with the harrowing tale of a 36-year-old mother of three who was held as a sex-slave in a Texas house while she was drugged and raped for several weeks
It was the summer of 2014, and Melvin, a 36-year-old mother of three, had just completed the journey from her native Guatemala, crossing the Rio Grande on a raft before being led to the house in the Texas border city of McAllen.
For weeks in that locked room, the men she had paid to get her safely to the United States drugged her with pills and cocaine, refusing to let her out even to bathe. “I think that since they put me in that room, they killed me,” she said. “They raped us so many times they didn’t see us as human beings anymore.
The Times reported on more than 100 documented cases they found through interviews with law enforcement officials, federal judges, immigrant advocates and prosecutors. 
In January, President Trump cited the Doctors Without Borders report during his State of the Union speech, noting that "One in three women are sexually assaulted on the dangerous trek up through Mexico." 
Meanwhile, Trump said during a Saturday speech to conservative activists that when migrant girls head north, Central American mothers often "'give them massive amounts of birth control pills because they know their daughters are going to be raped on the way up to our southern border."
"Think of how evil that is," Trump said. 

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