Monday, February 24, 2020

JUDGE JUDY IS A BLOOMBEGER.. "America Doesn't Need A Revolution": Judge Judy Says She'll Fight The Bernie Sanders Campaign "To The Death"

"America Doesn't Need A Revolution": Judge Judy Says She'll Fight The Bernie Sanders Campaign "To The Death"

What better beacon of capitalism to step up against socialism than the Brooklyn born, American success story that is Judge Judy?
Judy Sheindlin, the former family court judge and now millionaire many times over after becoming the unofficial queen of daytime television said she is ready to take her struggle against Sanders' campaign "to the death", according to a new interview where she appeared alongside of Mike Bloomberg while Bloomberg was campaigning in Oklahoma City.
At his rally, Bloomberg fielded questions about gun control, advocating for expanding current gun laws to gun shows and internet-based sales of weapons. "90% of all NRA members think it's a good idea," he argued.
Standing next to Bloomberg while he was conducting his interview, Judy was asked why she was endorsing him. "Because it's urgent. Mike Bloomberg is not an ideologue. He's a doer," she responded. 
The judge continued: "Mike and I were products of the American dream. I was born in Brooklyn, so I have Brooklyn street smarts. America doesn’t need a revolution. … It’s the most perfect country in the world and those people that are trying to change it and revolutionize it, don’t have a chance, because I’ll fight them to the death."
“Don’t get on the wrong side of the judge. That’s the message,” Bloomberg concluded.
You can watch the video of Bloomberg and Sheindlin here:

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