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Monday, August 5, 2019

ESCALATION FROM CHINESE COMUNIST BACKINGViolent Chaos Breaks Out In Hong Kong: Police Stations Set On Fire, Triads Beat Protesters, City Paralyzed


Violent Chaos Breaks Out In Hong Kong: Police Stations Set On Fire, Triads Beat Protesters, City Paralyzed

The situation in Hong Kong is rapidly deteriorating, with violence breaking out in seven locations Monday afternoon as the citywide strike crippled transportation. 

White shirted 'triad' members beat protesters (via SCMP)

What were supposed to be peaceful sit-ins in different districts turned into riots, "with Wong Tai Sin and Harcourt Road seeing the most intense confrontations as protesters kneel instead of flee, to shield themselves while tear gas rounds and sponge grenades rain on them," according to SCMP

VIDEO: 🇭🇰 Hong Kong riot police clash with pro-democracy protesters in the working-class district of
VIDEO: 🇭🇰 Hong Kong police launch rounds of tear gas and try to clear pro-democracy protesters who had gathered near a police dormitory in the working-class district of

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Protesters threw a suspected gasoline bomb at police after first being attacked by bricks.

20:00 A suspected gasoline bomb was thrown by protesters to the police who were resting on Tai Po Tai Wo road near the crossroad with Nam Wan Rd. The police were attacked suddenly first by bricks from the protesters and then the bomb.

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Riot police used crowd control measures in at least five locations - targeting those filing the streets. 82 people were arrested for offences including rioting, unlawful assembly, assaulting a police officer, obstructing police and possession of offensive weapons. 

Fighting broke out between protesters and local residents, while reports of 'white shirted' men believed to be triad gang members began beating protesters as the evening devolved. 


Protesters also started a fire at the Tuen Mun police station after spray painting its wall with profanities: 

: Protesters set fires at and besiege police stations, throw national flag into water as chaos reigns across Hong Kong http://sc.mp/tiw1 

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In response to the unrest, Cathay Pacific airlines canceled over 150 flights and urged passengers to postpone non-essential travel according to CNN
Cathay Pacific urged customers not to fly Monday and Tuesday, and said it would waive fees for rebooking. Shares in Cathay plunged more than 4% during trading Monday.
The airline is the city's flagship carrier. It flies about 34 million passengers every year and serves nearly 200 cities around the world from its hub at Hong Kong's international airport.
Hong Kong Airlines, a smaller carrier, said it has canceled 32 flightsUnited Airlines said its flights were unaffected.
More than 2,300 aviation workers took part in the strike, including 1,200 Cathay cabin crew and pilots, according to the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions.
Service was suspended for more than an hour Monday morning on the Airport Express, which is a line that zips people between the airport and the city center in under 25 minutes. -CNN

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