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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

AND DON'T FORGET LITECOIN--Google Trends Show Bitcoin More Popular Than Donald Trump, Tesla, and Kim Kardashian


Google Trends Show Bitcoin More Popular Than Donald Trump, Tesla, and Kim Kardashian

It's hard to believe that Bitcoin has recently become more popular on Google than President Trump, Tesla, and Kim Kardashian, reported ConsenSys, a blockchain software technology company.
ConsenSys used search terms like "Blockchain," "Bitcoin," "Ethereum," and "Cryptocurrency," found that digital asset searches are becoming increasingly popular around the world.
Search terms "Donald Trump" and "Bitcoin" were neck and neck for the past twelve months in worldwide search rankings. But in the last three months of explosive price action in Bitcoin, interest in the cryptocurrency on Google moved higher, far outpacing searches of the president.
Bitcoin searches were most popular across "continental Europe, India, Brazil, and much of eastern Asia," according to ConsenSys citing Google Trends data. The increased searches suggest that rising Bitcoin prices have sparked animal spirits and curiosity to discover more about the cryptocurrency online. Here's what "Donald Trump" and "Bitcoin" searches look like on a map:
In a few instances in 2019, Bitcoin popularity on the internet outranked Donald Trump, Tesla, and Kim Kardashian . Bitcoin moving over the 5,000-handle has generated one of Bitcoin's most significant search trend spikes over the past 12 months.
ConsenSys also studied searches for Ethereum, noticed more popularity in Russia, Brazil, continental Europe and much of Asia.
When compared against traditional assets, Bitcoin has outperformed this year. This has led to an increased interest in the cryptocurrency while traditional global assets underperform during a global synchronized slowdown.

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