Monday, November 12, 2018

The Democrats are the Racist .CNN POLL.

US Midterm Exit Polls Demonstrate the Nonwhite Alliance against Whites


At least 80 percent of Jews, 90 percent of blacks, 69 percent of “Latinos,” and 77 percent of Asians voted Democratic in this week’s mid-term elections in America, underlining the fact that all the nonwhite groups have aligned in a grand anti-white coalition in that country.
According to a CNN Exit Poll, reported upon by the far left Jewish Daily Forward newspaper, “80 percent of Jews” Voted Democratic, a percentage, which that paper eagerly pointed out, was “far more than other faiths.”
“The overwhelming majority of American Jews voted Democrat in Tuesday’s elections,” the Daily Forward gushed.
“Nearly 80% of Jewish voters polled voted Democrat, while 17% voted Republican.
“Jews also voted Democrat at the highest rate of any other religion included in the poll, which included several denominations of Christianity.”

In addition, the Daily Forward continued, it was “a banner night for Jewish candidates, five of whom picked up Democratic seats in the House as the party retook control of the chamber. Some of the candidates also staged upsets in suburban areas that went for Trump in 2016.”
According to the CNN Exit Poll, 54 percent of “whites” voted Republican, and 44 percent voted Democratic. This definition of “white” however follows US Federal government guidelines, which includes Jews, Arabs, North Africans and large numbers of central and South Americans who choose not to define themselves as “Latino.”
In other words, the actual number of whites who voted Republican is likely fare higher than 54 percent, and is probably closer to two-thirds of white voters, or even more.
The division by gender is also revealing: according to the CNN poll, 49 percent of white women voted Republican, and 49 percent voted Democrat. Once again, this is according to the US Federal government guidelines, and bearing this in mind, it is obvious that a clear majority of white women voted Republican as well.
The CNN Exit Poll also claimed that 61 percent of Protestants voted Republican, along with 49 percent of Catholics, 17 percent of Jews, 28 percent of “other religions” and 28 percent of “no religious beliefs.”

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