Since 2012, almost every economist has predicted that the
housing recovery would continue into each coming year and would be a key
driver of economic growth. That was again the plan for 2014,
but with the housing recovery now on the ropes those same economists are
perplexed as to why. Yet,
"hope" remains that the recent slowdown is just a
"weather related" casualty.
For me, I now get to say
"I told you so." The slowdown in housing is not due to the "weather." It began prior to the onset of the recent winter blasts.
Nor will reduced distressed sales, delinquencies, negative equity or
rising inventories salvage the predictions. These are all indicators
"OF" the housing market, but not what "DRIVES" the housing market. The
real answer to the slowdown in housing is not so difficult to comprehend
and is something I have argued heavily in past missives as listed
Housing, Is It Really Recovering?
Housing, Is It Just The Weather?
Is Housing Set To Lift Off?
Rising Rates Squash Housing Recovery?
Housing Recovery, What Has Been Forgotten?
The housing market is driven by what happens at the margins. At any given point, there are a finite number of people wanting to
"buy" a home and those that have a
"for sale" sign in their yard. As with all markets, changes in the housing market are driven by the
"supply/demand" equation. There is notably five important points that should be considered.
1) What is forgotten by the majority of economists and analysts is that individuals buy
"payments," not
"houses." Incremental increases in interest rates have a direct effect on a buyer's
"willingness" and
to make certain monthly payments. Since, the majority of American's are
already primarily living paycheck-to-paycheck, any increase in the
monthly payment may change both affordability and qualification for a
2) Since individuals are
"backward looking," increases in interest rates may put a hold on activity as they
that the payment, mortgage rate or home price they just missed out on
will be available again soon. While individuals will eventually adjust
upward, it will take some time for them to become
"convinced" that a change has permanently occurred.
3) Many of the homes that have been purchased to date were by
"all cash" buyers and institutions for conversions to rental properties. Now, with
"price-to-rent" ratios reach levels of low profitability - the demand for that activity is decreasing. As I stated last year: "We are likely witnessing the beginning of that slowdown." Furthermore,
with institutions now moving to liquidate their rental investments
either through direct sale or IPO - the increase in supply without an
increasing pool of available and willing buyers could intensify downward
4) In order to continue to drive the housing recovery forward you
need fresh entrants into the housing market in the form of household
formations. As discussed by
Walter Kurtz recently:
biggest issue, however, remains household formation. As of the end of
last year, for example, the number of American households was not
growing at all. This is likely due to record low marriage rates as well
as a slew of other factors (lack of employment, wage growth, etc.).
Whatever the reason, household formation needs to stabilize before we
see stronger results in the US housing market."

5) Lastly, with the Federal Reserve now tapering it ongoing
stimulative activities and the government support programs either ended
(cash for houses) or losing effectiveness
(HAMP, HARP) the support for housing activity is fading.
The chart below shows the Total Real Estate Sales Activity Index
(TRESAI), which is a composite of the seasonally adjusted new and
existing home sales data. For the purpose of this article, which is
focusing on the actual buy and sell of homes, this is the most
appropriate index.

This index clearly shows that the downturn began in August of 2013 well before the
"polar vortexes"
made their appearance at the end of the year. However, the real
culprit to the decline in housing activity, as discussed above, is shown
clearly in the next chart.

The shaded areas show when 30-year mortgage rates have risen. As you
can see it only takes small adjustments in interest rate levels to
cause either stagnation or declines in home buying activities.
The point here is that while the housing market has recovered from
the financial crisis lows, it has primarily been a function of
speculation, historically low interest rates and massive amounts of
government support. However,
it is in this nascent recovery that we should recognize the true state of the average American family.
Without such massive interventions, it is unlikely the housing market
would be showing much of a recovery considering the decline in real
wages, and household incomes, over the last five years. Furthermore,
while there has been much written about the
deleveraging of the household balance sheet - the
latest quarterly report shows that the only real decline in debt
occurred in the mortgage segment. What wasn't discussed by the Fed is
HOW the deleveraging was accomplished which was done though serial
(I am a prime example of 4 times in the last 3 years),
foreclosures, short sells, and write downs. Not exactly a bullish
commentary of the strength of the average American household.
while residential construction only makes up slightly more than 2.5% of
GDP, there is a limit to how much further the current recovery will go.
The decline in housing reached extreme levels during the crisis and
was due for a bounce back to normal activity levels. We are rapidly
approaching an equilibrium of current supply and demand in the market.
According to David Rosenberg:
estimate that the builders have caught up about 90% of the way with the
recent improvement we have seen in the underlying demographic demand.
There may be more upside in terms of pricing ahead. But it is going to
be limited and we are not far off seeing some plateau until we start to
see the demand indicators improve more forcefully, especially from the
first-time buyer, who has been quite dormant during this nascent
turnaround in the housing sector."
It is important to understand that housing will recover - eventually.
However, the reality of that recovery could be far different than what
the current media and analysts predict. In an economy that is expected,
according to the Federal Reserve, to have a long term economic growth
trend of 2.1% - a recovery to historical norms, much less the pre-crisis
peak, is highly unlikely.
The current decline in housing is not a "weather related" anomaly but a function of "real" affordability. I say
affordability, because buying a house is not just about the price, but
the ability for a family to qualify for and pay the mortgage.
Unfortunately, despite the ever ebullient hopes of mainstream analysis,
the core requirements of rising wage growth, full-time employment, loan
qualification and the ability to save a downpayment keeps home ownership
elusive for many. That is unlikely to change anytime soon. Of course, I
have already told you that previously.