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Saturday, May 4, 2013

HE WON'T BE WRONG.THIS TIME EITHER... .Peter Schiff: The Whole Bubble Economy Will Implode Friday, May 3, 2013



.Peter Schiff: The Whole Bubble Economy Will Implode
Friday, May 3, 2013 7:31

Recently by Peter Schiff: Record Physical Gold Sales
Yesterday, on CNBC’s Squawk Box, Peter Schiff explained how the Fed’s stimulus has only delayed the real recession that will ultimately trigger a dollar collapse, and why Japan is stewing in the same brew of bad money.
“The bottom will drop out of the dollar. The US dollar is going to lose a lot of value. Not only against goods, but against other fiat currencies. The dollar is going to go down, that’s going to push prices up higher in the United States, consumer prices. Eventually the fed is going to have to turn off the presses in order to save the dollar and that’s when the real fun begins, because that’s when this whole bubble economy implodes…”

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