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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

MAYBE ALL FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLE NEED TO MOVE TO THE EX-SOVIET UNION ,,It was, Medvedev said, "absolutely unprecedented". "I can only compare it some of the decisions taken ... by Soviet authorities, who did not give a thought to the savings of the population."

It was, Medvedev said, "absolutely unprecedented". 

"I can only compare it some of the decisions taken ... by Soviet authorities, who did not give a thought to the savings of the population."


Mr Medvedev said the EU and Cyprus had acted “like an elephant in a China shop”.

“All possible mistakes that could be made have been made by them,” he added.

"We are living in the 21st century, under market economic conditions. Everybody has been insisting that ownership rights should be respected.”

Mr Medvedev also criticised the decision to freeze the Cypriot banking system, and not just withdrawals from troubled banks, warning that if this continued for any length of time it could “result in losses . . . even bury the whole banking sector of Cyprus. It will cease to exist,” he said.

The proposed bank levy, rejected by the Cypriot parliament on Tuesday, had a "clearly confiscatory, expropriating character," RIA quoted him as saying - remarks that echo earlier criticism by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

It was, Medvedev said, "absolutely unprecedented". 

"I can only compare it some of the decisions taken ... by Soviet authorities, who did not give a thought to the savings of the population."

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