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Thursday, January 3, 2013

when you’re spending $3.5 trillion a year, and you’re only raising $2 trillion .. That’s a recipe for total societal collapse.”.”Mark Steyn


Mark Steyn: Biden-McConnell fiscal cliff negotiation ‘deeply embarrassing,’ ‘a mark of shame’ [VIDEO]

On Fox News Radio’s “Kilmeade & Friends” on Wednesday, National Review columnist Mark Steyn expressed strong dissatisfaction with the process that led to Tuesday’s fiscal cliff agreement.
“I think it ought to be deeply embarrassing to any developed society that 300 million people are sitting there on Monday, and they don’t know what their tax rates are going to be on Tuesday,” Steyn said. “That’s the mark of shame.”
Steyn, the author of “After America: Get Ready for Armageddon,” told host Brian Kilmeade that the fiscal cliff negotiations resembled a scene from the Soviet Union.
“You just mentioned Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell negotiated this thing,” Steyn said. “Mitch McConnell apparently spent all night in a room with Joe Biden, which very few would have the stomach for. But he decided to do it, and basically these two guys cooked up a deal for 300 million citizens, and then as if it’s some rinky-dink little Soviet people’s assembly, the legislature rubber stamps it.”
Mitt Romney’s unsuccessful 2012 presidential campaign deserves some blame as well, Steyn claimed.
“The Republicans — whether consciously or not — [made] a decision in the summer, basically taking their cue from the Romney campaign, that this was a ‘don’t frighten the horses’ election. Mitt didn’t want to talk about the big stuff. He just didn’t want to frighten soccer moms in southern Ohio. The Republican Party didn’t have a big discussion on the principle of this thing, which is when you’re spending $3.5 trillion a year, and you’re only raising $2 trillion — you can’t do that.  That’s a recipe for total societal collapse.”

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