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Tuesday, December 11, 2012




Glenn Beck Spoofs Bob Costass Anti Gun Commentary on TheBlazeTV
During his show on TheBlazeTV Monday, Glenn Beck spoofed NBC’s Bob Costas after he failed to address the tragic death of Dallas Cowboys linebacker Jerry Brown the same way in which he addressed the gun-related murder-suicide involving Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher. Beck didn’t cut corners either as he fully embraced Costas’ character with a brown wig.
During a Sunday Night Football halftime show earlier this month, Costas infamously blasted the “gun culture” in the U.S. and read a portion of sports columnist Jason Whitlock’s column, saying if “Belcher didn’t possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today.”
“I’m filling in for Bob Costas today,” Beck began. “And we are going to do our best to continue his tradition of exceptional sports analysis along with exceptionally idiotic and logically flawed current events commentary.”
“As you might know, tragedy struck the NFL over the weekend yet again,” he added. “Linebacker Jerry brown was killed in a  pre-dawn automobile accident. The driver of the vehicle, fellow teammate, Josh Brent, is charged with intoxication man slaughter after failing a sobriety test at the scene.”
Glenn Beck Spoofs Bob Costass Anti Gun Commentary on TheBlazeTV
Glenn Beck Spoofs Bob Costass Anti Gun Commentary on TheBlazeTV
Here’s what Beck “thought” Costas was going to say on the NFL’s most recent death during Sunday Night Football this week, but didn’t:
“Our current beer drinking and car driving culture ensures that more routine nights out with friends will end in the ultimate tragedy. That more innocent road trips will leave even more youngsters and babies strewn across the road. Roads bloodied. People dead. Beer doesn’t enhance our lives or our society.”
He continued: “Beer brings out the worst in all of us…. beer goggles, liquid courage, liquid logic. ‘I’m OK to drive’ when you’re clearly hammered out of your mind! If Josh Brent didn’t have access to alcohol or own a car, he would not be in jail today, Jerry Brown would be alive.”
Beck went on to joke that NBC and the NFL failed to address the “beer culture” and “car culture” because the vast majority of commercials aired during football games are for beer and car companies. Then he took a shot at Costas’ hair.
“But Bob Costas and his incredibly natural looking hair color sat there silently. Why Bob? It could be bob was bought off by big beer or big car, I’m not sure which one it was. Maybe both of them,” Beck joked.
So in order to free Costas from the “chains that have been placed around his neck by corporate beer, car masters” Beck created a Twitter hashtag, #FreeBobCostas, so he would be able to apply the logic of his gun views to drinking and driving accidents.
“I want you to just hashtag #FreeBobCostas on Twitter,” he added. “If you want to see his free speech restored and the folly of his anti-gun logic on display on all other areas of life.”
Once he was done having fun, Beck went on to explain that society’s problems will never be solved through regulation and banning things, but by teaching personal responsibility.
Watch the entire segment via TheBlazeTV below:
This story has been updated to reflect that Jovan Belcher played for the Kansas City Chiefs.

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