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Monday, November 12, 2012

Efficient Op-Ed Hypothesis: "Fiscal Cliff" Soars After Obama Win


Efficient Op-Ed Hypothesis: "Fiscal Cliff" Soars After Obama Win

Tyler Durden's picture

Whocouldanode? Since August 2011, we have know this painful combination of tax-cut cessations and spending cuts (sequestrations) was due to hit as yet another painful decision 'can' was kicked down the road by the 'super committee'. In February 2012, Bernanke coined the term 'fiscal cliff' for this chaos and since then we have been active in discussing the impact (329 ZeroHedge articles). From pointing out the market's total lack of 'pricing-in' to comprehending the contagion and impact of the 'fiscal cliff' or slope or hill, it would appear the world has been numbed into denial by the monetary policy medicine needed to get an incumbent re-elected. The 'efficient' market is now catching on - as are the 'efficient' headlines as we see searches and news stories surge about this critical event horizon. Between Bloomberg's news story count and Google's search volumes, it would appear the American public is waking up to the reality about to beset them now that re-hope is back.
Bloomberg's news story count...
Via Bloomberg
and Google Trends...

For ZeroHedge alone, there has been 329 articles mentioning the term "fiscal cliff"...

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