Candy Crowley asks Sen. Menendez about Petraeus’ extramarital affair, ignores his own Dominican prostitution scandal
2:13 PM 11/11/2012

CNN State of the Union host Candy Crowley questioned New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez on Sunday about former CIA Director David Petraeus’ affair with journalist Paula Broadwell — but she failed to ask Menendez anything about his own sex scandal.
Shortly before the last Tuesday’s election, two Dominican Republic prostitutes came forward and told The Daily Caller Menendez agreed to pay them $500 for sex acts, and that they each received only $100. The women claim this happened around Easter this year at Casa de Campo, an expensive 7,000-acre resort in the Dominican Republic. (RELATED VIDEO:Women claim Menendez stiffed them after sex)
Menendez spokeswoman Tricia Enright has refused to answer any questions on the subject. “We’re not going to respond to a completely false accusation,” she wrote by email.
A current Dominican Republican government officialconfirmed the allegations shortly afterwards, and provided more details about Menendez’s sexual conquests in his country. That official said Menendez would travel to the Dominican with wealthy campaign donor Dr. Salomon Melgen. The two have been having sex parties with prostitutes there for years, according to the official.
The liberal website Gawker reported that Menendez had loud sex with different women almost every night in Washington, D.C., according to his next-door neighbor.
Menendez’s neighbor said the women were “always in like four-inch heels, and it was definitely a different one every time. Different women on back-to-back nights. These were very young, very attractive women.”
Menendez and his spokeswoman have refused to answer any questions about those allegations, and have refused to respond to the Dominican government official’s comments.
The National Republican Senatorial Committee has said Menendez’s actions may have been a violation of campaign finance laws and a violation Senate ethics rules. That’s because Menendez regularly traveled to and from the Dominican in Melgen’s plane and would have the sex parties in Melgen’s Casa de Campo villa.
Using a donor’s resources without reporting them to the proper authorities is likely a violation of both campaign finance law and Senate ethics rules.(RELATED: NRSC raises possibility Menendez violated ethics rules)
Crowley, however, chose to ask Menendez about the scandal emerging around Petraeus and failed to ask any questions about Menendez’s own scandal.
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