Rep Allen West on Iran “We are running out of time”

(WASHINGTON) — Congressman Allen West (R-FL) released this statement today:
“I have grave concern today that President Barack Obama and his Administration are continuing to jeopardize the safety and security of Israel, by saying one thing while doing another, when it comes to standing by the United States’ one true ally in the Middle East.
President Obama assured Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu yesterday that the United States ‘has Israel’s back,’ when it comes to defending Israel against Iran, yet the President stopped short of defining exactly what that entails. Today, the President tells Americans it ‘it is deeply in everybody’s interests — the United States, Israel and the world’s — to see if this can be resolved in a peaceful fashion.’  This President continues to talk from both sides of his mouth, and it is dangerous. Israel needs action, not more words from the President.
The facts are that Iran is not responding to increasing sanctions by either the United States or the European Union, and continues to proceed with building a nuclear arsenal. Iran is not interested in anything other than playing a stall game, a game that gives them additional time to fortify their defenses, and acquire the means to convert their knowledge into actual weapons.
We are running out of time and the President’s insistence to wait for a ‘diplomatic resolution’ with Iran, proves our Commander in Chief does not fully understand, or is simply ignoring, the imminent threat looming, and it is putting not only our friends in Israel at severe risk, but freedom and democracy as we know it. Recent history shows us that sanctions, no matter how severe, will not curtail a country’s effort to develop nuclear weapons, when its leaders are determined. North Korea, for example, has been subject to international sanctions since 2006. The regime is believed to be turning to illegal ventures, including the sale of weapons technology, to raise funding for its nuclear program.
The consequences of inaction, could lead to a nuclear arms race in the entire Middle East.
I see this Administration’s lack of commitment to stand up to Iran as a much deeper problem. This President has consistently shown a willingness to appease and apologize to radical Islamists. From writing a private letter to the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khameini, to issuing knee-jerk apologies concerning the American Military Koran burning, and most recently, allowing the United States to pay $5 million of taxpayer money to bail out pro-democracy activists facing charges in Egypt.
When is President Obama going to stand up publicly against this theocratic-political, Islamic totalitarian ideology with the courage and convicton that has made the United States the greatest country the world has ever known? After spending 22 years commanding United States troops, much of it the Middle East, I can tell you these nations only respect one thing- and that is strength. President Obama has yet to intimidate Iran, as evidenced by the country’s continual game- playing and testing our demands. Until President Obama stands firm, America, Israel, and democracy as we know it will continue to be at risk.
Iran is as dangerous as Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan, and the Communist Soviet Union once were, and it represents a clear and present evil in these times.”