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Friday, March 23, 2012

Media lies again claiming record low turnout in Illinois primary – more votes this year than 2008

Media lies again claiming record low turnout in Illinois primary – more votes this year than 2008

rnc-logoYet again the media has been exposed as liars. All Tuesday they were claiming how the Illinois Republican party had record low turnout, or as CBS Chicago put it, the lowest turn out in 70 years. Problem for Obama licking media hacks trying to depress the Republican voting base, is that the numbers don’t lie. There were more votes in this year’s Republican primary than there were in 2008. This year there were a total of 921,781 votes cast in the Republican primary. In 2008, only 899,422 votes were cast. Now i’m not a math major but I think 921,781 is a bigger number than 899,422. I don’t think the voting population in Illinois grew by 4% in four years.

Maybe it’s just the progressive liberal failed education system. As Keith Ellison said, it was the Nazis that bombed Pearl Harbor and not the Japanese.
Media lies again claiming record low turnout in Illinois primary – more votes this year than 2008 : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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