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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Navy Seal Accuses Media of ignoring the servicemen who are dying for our country to focus on urination story only..

      Navy Seal Accuses Media of ignoring the servicemen who are dying for our country to focus on urination story only..


Navy SEAL: US ignoring soldiers killed in combat, focused on urinating Marines [VIDEO]

In an appearance on “Imus in the Morning” on the Fox Business Network, former Navy SEAL officer Leif Babin criticized the reaction to a video of U.S. Marines urinating on dead Taliban, pointing out that the media focuses on that while ignoring the sacrifices of fallen soldiers.
“The reaction to this is quite frustrating, I think, for everyone who has been a combat soldier, Marine, or just on the ground, and especially as a combat leader,” Babin said. “You know, you have to walk a mile in these guy’s shoes and understand where they’re coming from. Was this immature behavior? Absolutely. Does it deserve a reprimand? Sure. Are they war criminals? Absolutely not.”
Babin, who has served three tours in Iraq, earned a Silver Star, two Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart, and is still serving in the Navy Reserve, criticized the Obama administration officials that have called for prosecution of those Marines.
“You have press conferences, I mean, from the secretary of state. Secretary of defense-level calling it a despicable act, calling for the prosecution of these guys — ‘They will be held accountable in the strongest terms possible,’” he said. “And you know I wish we made as big a deal out of the servicemen that have given their lives in this conflict. At least 13 so far this year, and we’re not even hearing the names of those guys. They are just running sound bites of these Marines urinating on Taliban soldiers.”

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  • cageysea
    Gentlemen... In the future, urinate wherever and on whomever among our enemies you like... JUST STOP TAKING PHOTOS!!! Really, guys, save yourself the grief. No pics, alright? It makes the Liberals queazy, and right now they hold the throne, so don't help 'em any with stuff like this.
  • freeinaz
    Those who make a big deal out of this have never been shot at, had someone try to kill you, or have never lost a fellow Marine to an enemy. The only thing wrong here is some idiot couldn't keep the video off You Tube. God bless all our troops and piss on the Taliban and any other enemies of the great United States of America.
  • dramamama
    We the people haven't forgotten you! This insanity in office right now is not worth you time but for the fact that they are planning to prosecute these guys....if the families need $$$, let me know! Obama and his minions must go this year! God bless you for your service! The U.S. president and his minions are who are trying to pacify the terorists!
  • thephranc
    They stopped counting and naming the dead the day after Obama was elected.
  • truebearing
    Piss on the Left and the Commander-In-Treason for pulling the same crap they did during the Vietnam War.

    Did you get that, DHS? Piss on you eavesdropping assholes too!

    Our media thinks they are the arbiters of battlefield morality, though none of them have ever fought for anything more than a headline and the opportunity to wear the monogrammed Obama knee-pads. People who are under the constant stress of battle can not be judged with the same criteria we use for civilians. The ever-present awareness of death and your own potentially imminent demise is a brain changer. That kind of stress results in behaviors that appears extreme to those with a political axe to grind, and who sit on their fat, cowardly, hypocritical asses, pontificating on morals when they have none of their own. The milk-mustached media is providing its usual craven chorus to the Left's traditional anti-military song and dance. And Obama is directing the friendly fire on his own troops.

  • It's a shame when they urinated on them...

    ....a shame they just urinated but didn't decapitate them and burn their corpses before finally feeding the remains through a wood chipper.

    P1ss to Allah, urine be upon it.

  • And THAT tells you all you need to know about the pressies and the pseudo-pacifists.
  • Btwall60
    Exactly, thephranc. No more body count downs like on NBC "the count down to 2000 dead in Iraq is coming to it's sad tally in a few days". :( When Bush went on vacation they interviewed every human being that was protesting the war. Where is Code Pink? And that nutty blonde broad that posed with Reverand Al outside Bush's house? Where are the protesters? What happened to IF IT BLEEDS IT LEADS? Ooops, Sorry Despot Owebummer is the Prez ALL IS WELL.
  • thephranc
    He got the peace prize... he also started two wars in Africa. Only one you hear about though.

  • It's a shame when they urinated on them...

    ....a shame they just urinated but didn't decapitate them and burn their corpses before finally feeding the remains through a wood chipper.

    P1ss to Allah, urine be upon it.

  • dramamama
    Bury them with the pigs they are!
  • Love_America_Or_Leave
    We just let the top 3 alQaeda leaders out of Gitmo.  Obama and Holder...they act like Americans and American Soldiers are the enemy.  These guys have seen their friends killed by the terrorists...I can certainly understand how much they hate them.

    I'd like to see Obama & Holder in combat for a day. I bet they wouldn't last 5 minutes.
  • howard cox
    As an ex Marine, I would love to see Obama and Holder go through Boot Camp at Paris Island S.C. Those two sissyboys would not last one day without breaking down crying. And they are our leaders? Our country is in decline.
  • Love_America_Or_Leave
    I went to college in Savannah and know Paris Island well...dated a Marine one summer.  I'd like to see a decorated military man become president.  I was too young when Eisenhower was in office, but living in Georgia...everyone knew how much he loved to play the Augusta National.  I miss having a president that is respected and loved. With the way the country is divided, I don't think that will ever happen again.  I regret that so many conservatives hated GWB...I loved him and he kept us safe after 9/11.  He was blamed for runaway spending, but his last two years included a democrat congress.
  • Rmolinowski
    Amen brother in arms!  I can only pray that my son does not join the military...which is a truly sad thing for any father to desire.  I hate myself for wanting that, but the way these boys are treated is despicable, the way we ask them to sacrifice their lives and then not even try to win is an abomination.
    Bob, USN Ret.
  • MissSterious
    I have 2 sons in Combat Arms...and I have to agree with you.  The military is NOT what is used to be..in fact besides dealing with death and IED's the PC nonsense is horrible.
  • fourleafclover
    Peeing on a dead Taliban is nothing compared to the beheadings by the Taliban or the stoning of a young girl because she went on a date. The Taliban also remove certain female parts and forciby take kids from families to use as their so called wives. Any bad treatment the Taliban get has been earned.
  • they recently hung a 7 year old as being a spy... no outrage there by our liberal media or leaders.
  • Black Flag
    It would be worth it to pee on the people who are outraged at the marines peeing on people who should be peed on.
  • It looked like a simple case of "kinectic military action" to me!


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