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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Good Question Jeff.....Is Newt Unstable?

Good Question Jeff.....Is Newt Unstable? 



From his campaign rhetoric one might reasonably conclude that Newt Gingrich has only one oar in the water. In my experience those who cannot control their mouths are a bit unstable. I have known quite a few people like this. Many are bright some aren’t, but I believe they are all mildly mentally “off”. The most disquieting thing about Gingrich is that there is a tinge of megalomania to him which allows him to justify his own bizarre behavior. I think it makes him dangerous.
His vicious mouth alone disqualifies Gingrich from being President.
Second, the recent attack on Mitt Romney by the “Winning Our Future PAC, Pro-Newt Gingrich Super PAC” criticizes Romney for one of the few things I like about Romney: his success at business. Here is the offending piece:
You cannot convince me that Mr. Gingrich could not have vetoed this attack. In fact, he was quoted in the press as saying that:
“I’m not going to back down or be afraid to say we the American people have the right to know and any candidate for president has an obligation to tell us,” he said. “I think that these extraordinarily wealthy institutions are going to somehow bring enough pressure to bear to say you better shut up, tells you just how bad-off the system has gotten.”
This attack piece is very offensive. One would expect it from Michael Moore and now I guess we can expect it from Gingrich.
Third, his commentary is populist socialist dogma at the very best, cunning and dangerous at worst. He taps into the common populist themes against capitalism that have been perpetrated throughout our society for years by the socialists, Democrats, and much of academia. If you carefully watch the above video it is no different than Soviet agitprop. It is misleading, untruthful, sentimental, and frightening.
But what does Mr. Gingrich care? Apparently nothing. So much for all the collegiality he preached. Nothing will stop this man in his quest for power. Romney’s PAC put together this answer to Gingrich:
 Gingrich has flip-flopped more time than pancakes at a Rotary breakfast. 

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