Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dictator in Chief???---Labor unions primary recipients of Obamacare waivers By Paul Conner Published: 9:18 PM 01/06/2012 | Updated: 12:36 AM 01/07/2012

Labor unions primary recipients of Obamacare waivers

In this March 5, 2011, file photo, people protest against legislative efforts to do away with teachers' collective bargaining rights in Nashville, Tenn. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey, File)
Labor unions continued to receive the overwhelming majority of waivers from the president’s health care reform law since the Obama administration tightened application rules last summer.
Documents released in a classic Friday afternoonnews dump show that labor unions representing 543,812 workers received waivers from PresidentBarack Obama‘s signature legislation since June 17, 2011.
By contrast, private employers with a total of 69,813 employees, many of whom work for small businesses, were granted waivers.
The Department of Health and Human Services revised the rules governing applications for health reform waivers June 17, 2011, amid a steady stream of controversial news reports, including The Daily Caller’s story that nearly 20 percent of last May’s waivers went to businesses in House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s district in California.
The labor unions receiving waivers include those that are monitored under the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act, and those that are not. The waivers granted since June 17 are valid until 2013, but recipients must make sure their employees understand the “limits of their coverage,” according to HHS documents.
HHS granted waivers on a year-by-year basis under its initial application process, but waivers granted after June 17 are valid for a maximum of two-and-a-half years. (RELATED: Full coverage of the health care law)
By and large, unions backed the health care overhaul, a law from which nearly a half million of their workers are now exempt.
1 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 5 (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5, rated)

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Showing 1-20 of 422 comments

  • Look guys, just keep buying guns, ammo and food storage. Make alliances with your neighbors. When the time comes, you know what to do with liberals looking for and demanding food, water, warmth, shelter and medical assistance. Conservatives don't need to flee. They are already prepared. They were warned of the liberal created financial collapse backed up with facts. One more thing, take note of every Democrat in your state, county and city.

    Immediately after 9-11, all of us men on airline flights looked around and asked each other, "Are You In?" We made alliances on the spot to defend ourselves. Nobody talks about it now. But it happened on EVERY flight for the next twelve months. We will do the same against these monstrous liberals and RINO politicians destroying our nation.

    The Mayan calender predicted the end of liberalism-marxism-communism-socialism-fascism, Not the world or Conservatism.
    (Edited by author 12 hours ago)
  • FreedomFighter
    Smartest comment on this thread, RapidFire.  I've already made alliances with ALL of my neighbors... plans for taking care of kids, guarding food and the 'hood, using swimming pools for emergancy water, etc.  We've got it all down on my block [8 houses].  In fact, we already have an arsenal of weapons [including a few ak47's, my favs!]

    I'm "IN" with you, RF... trust me, you're not alone.  We're just waiting for "the short heard around the world" sort of thing now.  Gee, you might even call us a "cell" if you will... a cell for freedom, a cell for the defence of the constitution.
  • justin65
    when the time comes I think our boys and girls in uniform will stand by the people and then all those that have participated in high treason will be given swift justice..
  • I think uniformed services, including police and fire, will stand with us. That's
    why I joined the Oath Keepers. I'm promoting it to everyone I can. Most people, including me, will defend their Constitutional Rights to the death if necessary. No one will make me surrender my defenses, enter my property without my permission, threaten or harass me, without risking immediate death. My hatred for Obonzo and his slimeball minions, and my love for America, which I spent over 20 years defending, will not ever make me go down easily.
  • p3orion
    On their first day of office, each of our elected leaders and representatives swears allegiance to the Constitution, but for too long many have freely ignored that oath and instead worked to subvert the Constitutional limits on their actions.

    While the policies of Obama and his willing minions have thrown our nation into economic chaos, they have at least hastened the day when it will no longer be possible for liberal politicians to pretend even to pay lip service to the Constitution, but will be forced to declare openly their derision for the principles that made America great.

    When I served as an officer in the Navy, I too took an oath, but unlike many currently serving in government, I meant it when I swore to support and defend the Constitution.  Although I am no longer in uniform, I feel that sacred charge even more keenly today.

    The time is fast approaching when each American will have to make the clear choice between a further decline into Marxist feel-goodism and a restoration of limited government of, by, and for the people.  When you meet with your fellow Patriots at the Tea Parties or other gatherings of like-minded conservatives, consider reciting...
     show more
  • johnnyjunior
    from CZECH REPUBLIC OBSERVER......"The danger to America
    is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting an inexperienced man
    like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the
    follies of an Obama Presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and
    good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their
    President. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama,
    who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the
    fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him
    their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less
    likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their
  • Dapeg
    He wasn't "elected" -- he stole the election by fraud. Remember Micky Mouse and Marilyn Monroe? They "voted" for him too. Don' be duped...they're going to try to do it again.
  • Bill G
    Don't fool yourself. Even factoring in voter fraud, BHO won the election. We have made it to the tipping point, the point where more than half of the voters are beholden to the gov for their daiky bread, and the point in our history where the majority in the US have turned their back on their Judeo-Christian roots.

    Johnny Junior is 100% right.
  • RR22
    If the New Healthcare law is so good, then why are we giving out waivers. That kinda contradicts itself correct?
  • Gill O'Teen
    It would be a mistake to depend on any in uniform. While I do not doubt their patriotism, we must remember that from the moment they took their oath, they have been ingrained with obedience to their chain of command. All militaries have been. This is why, despite grave reservations, for the most part German soldiers remained loyal to Hitler; why, even after he shipped genuine war heroes off to the Gulag, Stalin retained the loyalty of his troops; and why the Japanese were even willing to commit suicide for their Emperor. In addition, they could face getting shot for treason. It's not so easy to take that first step knowing the ramifications. Why what happened in Congress way back in 1776 is all the more remarkable. Not only were those Men declaring OUR Liberty, if that war had not ended in their favor, they were potentially signing their own death warrants.
  • Jeffjr02
    I don't think we'll have to worry about that since half our military is now going to be unemployed. We don't need to worry about chain of command anymore.
  • p3orion
    Fortunately, they are also taught that there is no defense for obeying unlawful orders.  Should the situation come to armed confrontations between the people and our armed forces, I think Obama would find he has a problem.

    Furthermore, I think the military in general, who are asked to live out their political ideals on a daily basis, are a bit more conscious than the general population of the radical transformation the Obama administration continues to attempt in our nation.  Obama's plans have never depended on agreement from the populace; ignorance and apathy have more than sufficed.  Both are in relatively short supply in the ranks of the military.
  • 4sailing
    Be careful of that - Police are unionized.  So that's maybe more a hope than a reality.  Our sheriffs here are all Dems.  They lie they're lazy and they don't do their jobs to begin with.  Wouldn't trust them at all to stand with the conservatives who are going to take their country back, be it by vote or otherwise. 
  • I wouldn't count on the military or police!  I retired from both.  When and if the time comes, they will order these people onto the streets of America.  They will use the threat of their jobs, pay, medical, housing, food and their families against them.  Look at all the Generals supporting obama's draw-downs and gay policies, they will support obama declaring Martial Law.  Those detention camps that have been built to hold 200-300,000 are not for muslim terrorists, they are for Americans!
  • yes with obama we will be lucky to even have an army or marine corp left.
  • Guest432
    Obama said we needed a civilian force as well equipped and funded as the military.  Homeland Security/TSA is his civilian force..
  • Nyguy30
    I dislike Obama as much a te next guy... But Obama didn't create the homeland Gestapo... That was Bush... Obama is just continuing the work of the global elites, just as bush did 
  • Bofus Abode
    Hey---W created Homeland Security---the great imposter and large pat down sis created and are enlarging the homeland gestapo---now there is the difference----
  • RealAmerican
    But obozo and Janetalia Napolitano massivelt GREW the TSA and created the UNconstitutional groping and naked cancer screenings.
  • BobinNC
    FYI - It's Marine Corps (PLEASE add the s - finger nails on the chalk board for all Marines).

    But you're right - barry isn't to be trusted.
    (Edited by author 1 hour ago)


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