Detroit Is Laying Off Cops to Rehire Them With Federal Money
The choice isn’t between guns and butter anymore. It’s between exploding entitlements and the basic services that justify government’s existence. From the liberal “Model City,” Detroit:
A high ranking source in the Detroit Police Department says about 100 police officers will be given layoff notices during meetings on Wednesday.
Fortunately for any law-abiding citizens who have not yet managed to escape this frozen jungle, the cops will be hired right back again with federal money.
Currently, the department receives universal hiring grants from the Department of Justice.DPD plans to repurpose those grants to be used to pay officers, but the only way to eventually hire them back is to lay them off first.The move will take the officers off the general payroll and help Detroit’s finances.
What happens when Obama et al. finish fundamentally transforming the whole country into Detroit? Maybe the UN will pick up the tab for basic services. Or maybe law and order will completely collapse, as in the prototypes for Hope & Change, Zimbabwe and Venezuela. If the Moonbat Messiah is reelected, it won’t take long to find out.

What liberalism has left of Detroit.
On a tip from AC.
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