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Monday, November 28, 2011

Woop Der it is, thier Plan is unfolding before us....Cornel West: Ultimate Fight For Entitlements Will Be In "The Streets"

Cornel West: Ultimate Fight For Entitlements Will Be In "The Streets" 

      I think the problem is that the poor children, keep in mind it's 42% of poor children who live at or near poverty, it's 25% in poverty. Our audience needs to keep that in mind." Cornel West said on MSNBC this afternoon.

"Poor children need more than just a $1,000 for their family, they need a war against poverty to make it a major priority in the way which we have a priority for Afghanistan, and a priority to bail out banks, and a priority to defend corporate interests when it comes to environmental issues," West said about more and new entitlements for the poor.

Professor West didn't just call for another war on poverty (the first war was fought by Lyndon B. Johnson), but went on to say that the push for more entitlements "is going to be fought in the streets." West showered the Occupy movement with praise for making people aware of the issue.

"It's a major question of priorities here. That's why the Occupy movement is so important because some of this is going to be fought in the streets. Civil disobedience does make a difference," he said.

"Corporate greed now is an issue everybody has got to talk about. Wealth inequality. Everybody must talk about it because of the Occupy movement," Mr. West concluded.

"I think brother West, I think he does make a good point," Goldie Taylor said.

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