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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Reporter kicked out of Journalism club for asking a tough question...This is what the Media used to and still should be...

Sam Husseini | Saudi Royal | National Press Club | Journalism | The Daily Caller

Reporter kicked out of Journalism club for asking a tough question...This is what the Media used to and still should be...

Writer Sam Husseini, left (Flickr/The Real News)
Writer and activist Sam Husseini asked Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal a tough question at a National Press Club news conference earlier this month. As a result, and much to the chagrin of his colleagues, his membership in the organization was suspended.
“There’s been a lot of talk about the legitimacy of the Syrian regime,” Husseini asked Prince Turki, the kingdom’s former ambassador to the United States. “I want to know what legitimacy your regime has, sir.”
“You come before us, representative of one of the most autocratic, misogynistic regimes on the face of the earth,” Husseini continued. “Human Rights Watch and others report of torture, detention of activists, you squelched the democratic uprising in Bahrain, you tried to overturn the democratic uprising in Egypt, and indeed you continue to oppress your own people. What legitimacy does your regime have — other than billions of dollars and weapons?”
Husseini’s blunt tone and line of questioning, both unusual for the club, did not escape notice. He was quickly reprimanded, and within hours, his membership in the club had been suspended.
“Raising eyebrows is good,” Husseini told The Daily Caller in an interview, “a lot better than lowering eyelids.”
He offered no apologies for his manner of questioning, saying that “there is an objective reality. Real people are suffering. It should be said. I think my questions come off like fingernails on chalkboard to certain people because they question the established order and certain facts are so inconvenient.”
The uproar following Husseini’s interview was bad publicity for the National Press Club, and by Monday evening they had reversed their decision. “I welcome this decision and aim to ask ever tougher and sharper questions,” Husseini wrote on his blog. “I hope others will as well.”
In the transcript of the interview below, Husseini talks about his thoughts on the state of journalism, media bias and the need to hold public officials accountable. Read rest of story http://dailycaller.com/2011/11/29/punished-for-asking-saudi-royal-tough-question-writer-sam-husseini-says-journalism- 

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