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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just like the 1 year police man who only have a job till the Fed money is gone??? Hundreds Of Solar Companies Expected To Go Bankrupt

Just like the 1 year police man who only have a job till the Fed money is gone???

Hundreds Of Solar Companies Expected To Go Bankrupt

Solar power bankruptcies loom as prices collapse
By Steve Hargreaves
November 30, 2011
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) – The once high-flying solar power sector is headed for tough times, as a combination of slack demand and massive oversupply is leading to plummeting prices and profits for solar panel makers…
The only time solar power was high flying was when it was being held up by massive government subsidies and sweetheart deals.
The past year was already grim. The Guggenheim Solar (TAN) exchange-traded fund is down 60% since January and sits even lower than it did following the crash in 2008.
Two high profile companies have gone bankrupt in the United States – government-backed Solyndra and Evergreen – and analysts anticipate more failures ahead.
“Solyndra was just the beginning,” said Jessie Pichel, head of clean energy research at the investment bank Jefferies & Co. “We’re going to see a lot of companies go bankrupt.”
Just how many? Of the few hundred or so solar panel makers worldwide, just 20 to 40 are expected to remain standing in a few years time, said Mark Bachman, a renewables analyst at Avian Securities…
[T]he next couple of years will be wrenching for companies and investors in the solar power space as the weaker players go bust or get bought by larger rivals…
Or the government.
In some ways, the bust was inevitable. For much of the last decade solar power worldwide saw annual growth rates in the double or even triple digits…
Both of these things led to a massive amount of available capital. Factories were built and production capacity mushroomed.
But just as all these new solar panels were making their way to market, the debit crisis hit in Europe. The generous subsidies offered to solar power by European governments and utilities were cut. Demand for solar panels fell.
Malarkey. If the solar industry had been funded by private capital and not governments, this would not have happened.
The simple truth is that solar power never attracted enough real capital. Just taxpayers’ money.
Plus, solar project developers were having a hard time getting credit to build new power plants, further cutting into demand. Prices for solar panels began falling rapidly.
A year ago solar panels were selling for $1.50 to $2 per watt, said Ramesh Misra, a senior analyst at Brigantine Advisors, a research outfit. Now they sell for half that, and the decline hasn’t stopped…
Lack of production caused the prices to fall rapidly? This article is all over the place trying to find excuses. And none of them make much sense.
Solar power is failing because it is not all that it was cracked up to be.
What has to happen to turn things around?
Better access to credit, a more stable subsidy policy and fewer solar panels on the market, analysts say. Fewer panels means fewer solar panel makers.
In other words the only thing that will save solar power is more subsidies and more bankruptcies.
Which just shows what a tangled web you weave, once you practice to deceive. And deception is what these ‘green’ industries are all about.

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