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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Iranian retaliation for sactions --- Iran protesters smash windows, hurl bombs at British Embassy in Tehran


Iran protesters smash windows, hurl bombs at British Embassy in Tehran

 Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images 
 TEHRAN — Iranian protesters stormed two British Embassy compounds in Tehran Tuesday, smashing windows, hurling petrol bombs and burning the British flag during a rally to protest against sanctions imposed by Britain, live Iranian television showed.
The attacks followed the rapid approval by Iran’s Guardian Council of a parliamentary bill compelling the government to expel the British ambassador in retaliation for the sanctions, and warnings from a lawmaker that angry Iranians could storm the British embassy as they did to the U.S. mission in 1979.  Read rest of story here..   Iran protesters smash windows, hurl bombs at British Embassy in Tehran | News | National Post

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