Monday, October 17, 2011

Here is the Official way(A Brit thinks we should learn to love failure) for a Gutless Peoples to Off Themselves. Pat Buchanan is so right and i haven't even read his book.

 Here is the Official way(A Brit thinks we should learn to love failure) for a Gutless Peoples to Off Themselves. Pat Buchanan is so right and i haven't even read his book.

America must manage its decline

Recently I met a retired British diplomat who claimed with some pride that he was the man who had invented the phrase, “the management of decline”, to describe the central task of British foreign policy after 1945. “I got criticised,” he said, “but I think it was an accurate description of our task and I think we did it pretty well.”
No modern American diplomat – let alone politician – could ever risk making a similar statement. That is a shame. If America were able openly to acknowledge that its global power is in decline, it would be much easier to have a rational debate about what to do about it. Denial is not a strategy.

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