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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Mueller Should Be Arrested For Conspiracy To Overthrow POTUS; PCR


Mueller Should Be Arrested For Conspiracy To Overthrow POTUS; PCR

The Mueller report, which had no choice as there was no evidence, but to clear Donald Trump of conspiring with Russian President Putin to steal the last US presidential election from Hillary Clinton, nevertheless managed to keep an aspect of the manufactured hoax known as “Russiagate” alive by indicting some Russian intelligence officers and a Russian Internet clickbait operation for attempting to discredit Hillary with Internet postings.   
At the time I noticed that Muller’s indictments were based only on his assertion and not on any evidence.  As there was no prospect whatsoever of the fake indictments coming to trial, I did not comment on them.  I focused instead on Mueller’s statement that Trump might have obstructed justice although he lacked evidence  to support the charge.  I noted how corrupt American law has become when it is possible to obstruct justice in the absence of a crime.  
Democrats and presstitutes were determined to get Trump by any means and remain uninterested in how justice is obstructed when there is no crime.
In retrospect, not picking up on Mueller’s indictment-by-hearsay of Russians was a mistake.  Not only have the Democrats continued their Russiagate campaign on the basis of the unsubstantiated indictments, but, more importantly, the indictments-by-assertion-alone show Mueller’s total lack of moral character.  A prosecutor, indeed a former Director of the FBI, who confuses his unsubstantiated allegation with evidence, is not only a person devoid of any respect for law, but also an extremely dangerous person to have been vetted for the high government positions that he has held.  
How did a person as corrupt as Robert Mueller get confirmed in his appointments as US Attorney, US Assistant Attorney General, US Deputy Attorney General, and Director of the FBI?  That a person as ethically-challenged as Robert Mueller could breeze through so many confirmations by the US Senate proves how utterly corrupt the US government is. 
How does an American patriot respond to a government filled with corrupt individuals serving their private careers by serving not the American people, but the powerful private interests that control their careers or the interest of a foreign country that purchases their loyalty.  Many of these permanent Washington fixtures, such as Trump’s National Security Advisor, John Bolton, serve Israel’s interest at the expense of America’s interest. An American nationalist who attempts to serve American interests has little chance against a powerful lobby. Every year Congress hands over to Israel enough billions of dollars for Israel to purchase every federal election and many state ones.
It is not possible today for anyone who is not “a friend of Israel” to serve in a presidential appointment that requires confirmation by the US Senate. As Admiral Tom Moorer, Chief of Naval Operatons and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff said, “no American president can stand up to Israel.” No truer words have ever been spoken. Before any American president can attend to America’s interests, he must first attend to Israel’s interest.  Generally speaking, the Israel Lobby stresses that American interests conform to Israel’s interest. Therefore, Israel’s interests are America’s interests. If you disagree with this, you will not go far in the US government.
That Mueller’s indictment of Russians for attempting to throw the presidential election to Trump is unsubstantiated has been highlighted by US Federal District Judge Dabney Friedrich.  The judge just ruled that Mueller’s assertion of Russian “sweeping and systematic” interference in the presidential election does not constitute proof of the charge. It is nothing but an unsubstantiated indictment based on nothing but an assertion by the special prosecutor. Mueller provides no evidence in his report to support his claim.  Mueller is so corrupt that he uses his unsubstantiated indictment as evidence for the indictment!
In other words, the Federal Judge has ruled that Mueller has made a false indictment.
If that is not a felony, it should be.  
The corrupt Mueller covers up his absence of evidence for his indictments by using language such as “widely reported,” “confirmed,” “established.”  He is referring to the words used by his stable of presstitutes, media whores who paved the way for his false accusation.  
A country without a media is a Police State.  The only media the West has is the English language Russian media and the alternative media on Internet sites, such as this site, Information Clearing House, Global Research, Lew Rockwell, Unz Review. 
The Russian media was banned from the  conference on press freedom, because the Russian media is free and the UK and US media are not.  The People Really In Charge - PRICs - are at work shutting down the rest of us as fast as they can.
Before long, the only words you will hear willl be those used to control you.  The word freedom will be redefined as per George Orwell’s 1984 or be prohibited.  It will die as a word whose meaning is unknown.
In the 21st century, the US government has destroyed civil liberty, free speech, and accountable government.  There is no longer any reason for people who want to be free to support any Western government or political party that is in power. The Western World has no greater enemies than its own governments and the private interests governments represent.
While you await the final cutting out of tongues, say a prayer for Judge Friedrich.  Americans don’t know that a federal judge, indeed any judge, can be arrested by police on false charges and prosecuted by prosecutors based on fake evidence.  The judiciary no longer has the independence that the separation of powers provides.  Judges can be punished if they rule against the interests of those in whom the predominance of power resides.
Those with the predominance of power rule, not the law, the Constitution, or the people.

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