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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Before SHTF, Let's Revisit Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book


Before SHTF, Let's Revisit Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book

With the Saturday arrest of Jeffrey Epstein - who is reportedly offering to name elite pedophiles in exchange for leniency, a leaked copy of the billionaire sex predator's "little black book" may provide some insight into some very rich individuals who should be nervous right about now. 
The book was smuggled out of Epstein's residence by his former house manager, Alfredo Rodriguez, who was busted trying to sell it in 2009 for $50,000 - only to get caught, charged with obstruction of justice, and die in prison after 18 months from a 'long illness.' 
According to an FBI affidavit, Rodriguez described the address book and the information contained within it as the "Holy Grail" or "Golden Nugget" to unraveling Epstein's sprawling child-sex network. But despite having been subpoenaed for everything he had on his former boss, Rodriguez didn't share it with the FBI or Palm Beach Police Department detectives investigating Epstein. Instead, he tried to make a $50,000 score by covertly peddling the black book to one of the attorneys launching lawsuits at Epstein on behalf of his victims. -Gawker
According to a 2015 Gawker article, Epstein's little black book contains hundreds of names that a hobnobbing socialite billionaire might keep on hand, however around 50 of the entries were circled by Rodriguez - "including those of many of Epstein's suspected victims and accomplices," according to the report. 
Some of the names in the book include: 
Ralph Fiennes
Alec Baldwin
David Blaine
Jimmy Buffett 
Courtney Love
Charlie Rose
Mike Wallace 
Barbara Walters
Ehud Barak
Tony Blair
David Koch 
John Gutfreund
Prince Andrew
And of course: 
Bill Clinton and Donald Trump
About 50 of the entries, including those of many of Epstein's suspected victims and accomplices as well as Trump, Love, Barak, Dershowitz, and others, were circled by Rodriguez.
In addition to the names above, as well as scores of apparent underage victims in Florida, New Mexico, California, Paris, and the United Kingdom listed under the rubric of "massage," the circled entries include:
  • Billionaire Leslie Wexner
  • Former New Mexico Governor Bruce King
  • Former New Mexico Governor and Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Richardson
  • Peter Soros, the nephew of George Soros
  • Former Miss Sweden and socialite New York City doctor Eva Andersson Dubin
Some of the circled entries include additional notes—one address in New York City, for instance, is marked as an "apt. for models," and two names bear the marking "witness." -Gawker
When asked why his name might have been circled, longtime Epstein associate Alan Dershowitz said in 2015: "I've never seen the book and I have no idea what it means. I was neither a victim nor a material witness—I never witnessed any crimes or participated in any crimes, and I can prove it."
Dershowitz joined a 2017 motion brought by filmmaker and author Mike Cernovich to unseal records from a 2015 defamation case brought by Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre against British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell. Giuffre says Maxwell helped Epstein traffic herself and other underage girls to sex parties at the billionaire pedophile's many residences. 
In a Monday afternoon statement, Bill Clinton's Press Secretary Angel Ureña tweeted that the former president "knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago," and claims that he has only flown on the "Lolita Express" four times, with Secret Service detail "on every leg of every trip."
Trump, meanwhile, was reportedly the "only one" to help a prosecuting attorney representing one of Epstein's alleged victims. The President is also said to have booted Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago club after he was found trying to recruit underage girls. 
One theory on Epstein's racket is described below by Twitter user @quantian1
Epstein's "little black book" can be seen here: 
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