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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

GOOD JOB AOC --HOT MIC HAHAHA "What A Crock Of Shit": Sam Zell Summarizes Democrats' Amazon Fiasco


"What A Crock Of Shit": Sam Zell Summarizes Democrats' Amazon Fiasco

Having listened for 5 minutes to New York Democrat Gregory Meeks deflect blame for Jeff Bezos' decision to pull out of the HQ2 build in Long Island City, billionaire real estate mogul Sam Zell had had enough and was caught expressing his frustration in a 'hot mic' moment - much to the shock of the CNBC anchor.
Three weeks ago, Greg Meeks told CNBC that he was disappointed that Amazon refused to negotiate with him and the other NY Dems who had demanded more from Bezos...
And today, Meeks was back, expressing his disappointment again but refusing to shoulder any blame for the decision that took 25,000 potential jobs (and all that yummy tax money) away from the city.
Billionaire investor Sam Zell was guest hosting CNBC during this interview - in which admittedly the CNBC anchor did press Meeks on his blatant flip-flopping - and right as the interview was concluding, Zell told Meeks that "this decision may be one of the worst by a self-serving politician ever."
The interview ended and panned back to the anchor, but in the background on a hot mic, Zell exclaimed "what a crock of shit."

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