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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Firearms and self-protection are for all Americans regardless of political affiliation. Foster says: "The Second Amendment applies to all Americans, to the Republicans, Democrats, and all other political groups.


Firearms and self-protection are for all Americans regardless of political affiliation. Foster says: "The Second Amendment applies to all Americans, to the Republicans, Democrats, and all other political groups.



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“Girl's Guide to Guns is a website dedicated to women who dig fashion and fire power. Think of us this way: if one day Vogueand Guns&Ammo magazine fell madly in love, got married and had babies, we would be their favorite child. Whether you're a champion shooter or have never picked up a gun in your life, we've got something for you.” -- Natalie Foster of GirlsGuideToGuns.com

The days of the term “gun community” only bringing to mind the image of older white men are ending, as young pro-gun voices begin speaking up and making their marks. Groups like the National Rifle Association have begun giving voice to an array of young women and men, both white and black, who shatter the misconceptions about who and what makes up the pro-gun community.
One such voice is Natalie Foster, the young and beautiful gun advocate who founded and runs GirlsGuideToGuns.com. 
In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Foster explains that her site is neither Left or Right, neither liberal or conservative. She feels that firearms and self-protection are for all Americans regardless of political affiliation. Foster says: "The Second Amendment applies to all Americans, to the Republicans, Democrats, and all other political groups. 
"Guns are American, they are part of our nation’s rich cultural heritage, and this heritage belongs to us all."
Foster’s interest in firearms began as an effort to be closer to her father. Guns have always been about relationships to me, especially with my dad,” she says. As Foster began seeking knowledge about firearms, she began to realize a lack of information existed online for women interested in guns. She decided to remedy the issue by creating her own website.
“I wanted to chronicle my own journey. A lot of women want to take responsibility to protect themselves and learn to appreciate the outdoors I decided to build a place for women in the gun community. There wasn’t a lot of content for women out there at the time. I wanted to provide fashion, current events, and guns,” says Foster.
Foster is not the only young woman speaking up. Regis Giles, a 21-year-old blogger from Florida, started her own pro-gun website for girls called GirlsJustWannaHaveGuns.com.
Giles was very concerned with some women turning away from the idea of being responsible for their own safety.
"My main goal is to attract women who never thought about owning a firearm or taking responsibility for their own safety. I wanted to help introduce them to the gun community," says Giles.
Both Foster and Giles said they were encouraged by seeing so much diversity in the gun community. 
“I am impressed to see women and others standing up for themselves and their role in the gun community, and not allowing opponents of self-protection to falsely portray the gun community as 'just older white men' any longer,” says Foster.

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