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Friday, March 15, 2013

Coulter blasts Feinstein’s reaction to Ted Cruz’s gun regulation questions [VIDEO]


Coulter blasts Feinstein’s reaction to Ted Cruz’s gun regulation questions [VIDEO]

Coulter launched a shot across the bow at Feinstein for failing to take on Cruz over the issue.
“I used to think women just shouldn’t be able to vote,” she added. “And now I think at least liberal women should not be able to hold office. And by woman, I do not mean to limit that to the biological sense. That is not an answer, ‘I’m offended.’”
Coulter went on to debunk other attacks on gun ownership, including the idea that an intruder might attempt to wrestle a gun away from a gun owner.
“The idea that a criminal would be wrestling a gun away from the homeowner is preposterous,” Coulter said. “That happens, even in attempts where the homeowner gets shot by the home invader — it happens in less than 1 percent of the cases. They have done extensive interviews with prisoners. They say they do not go into homes they think could have a gun. They will not mug someone they think will have a gun. If they see a home owner with a gun they run. It’s only in Hollywood movies that the criminal sees a gun and wrestles you for it. There are plenty of other houses to break into and rape women in.”
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