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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

SO THEY (GOVERNMENT ) DIDN'T FIX ANYTHING...??The Circle Is Complete: GM Reunites With GMAC


The Circle Is Complete: GM Reunites With GMAC

Tyler Durden's picture

When it comes to government bailout case studies, the past four years have plenty. One among them is the financial company jovially called Ally - a name which well-paid nomenclature consultants were convinced would inspire confidence and trust. And to an extent they were right - after all we are talking about a firm which several years ago had a far more unpleasant name: GMAC, short for General Motors Acceptance Corporation. It was GMAC which, as one of the various entities on the receiving end of involuntary taxpayer generosity in 2008/2009, received a $17.2 billion bailout. The reason for GMAC's Ally's collapse is that the firm was loaded up to the gills on various subprime and other NINJA auto-financing loans used to purchase cars made by that other spectacular collapse: General Motors, maker of such external combustion vehicles as the Chevy Volt. Over the past several months the Ally CEO, Michael Carpenter, decided to little by little start paying taxpayers back, having sold a Canadian unit to RBC in October for $4.1 billion, and its Mexican Insurance business to Ace Ltd for $865 million. Moments ago the firm just announced it would be selling its international auto-finance businesses, including its operations in Europe, LatAm and a 40% stake in its Chinese JV (a business it previously said it would not seek to divest), for a total of $4.2 billion. The buyer? Another previously bailed out company, and one which still counts the government as its biggest shareholder: General Motors. And so the vendor financing circle is now complete, with GM finally reuniting with its old captive finance units, or at least the international part of them, which were fully owned until GM sold 51% of it to Cerberus in 2006, after which everything went to hell.
From Bloomberg:
Acquiring some of Ally’s assets would help GM offer competitive loans in South America, where about 50 percent of car sales are financed, Jaime Ardila, president of that region for GM, said last month in an interview in Sao Paulo.
There... and every other place where GM is desperate to not only sell the car, but to provide the vendor financing as the locals just can't afford to buy that little piece of America they can't wait to call their own, if only until such time as the payments on said piece stop in 2 or 3 months. 
Another circle which is complete: that of peak credit stupidity, because while not having your own source of loans under the same roof at least provided for some operational prudence, now that GM can once again hand out loans like a drunken sailor to any Chinese or Latino American buyer that wishes to take a Chevy for a ride, and book the revenues immediately, even if the loan will be in default in several months, all bets are now off.
Sadly, as is now the norm, the US taxpayer is about to get reamed even more. Because while the $4.2 billion in receivables will be promptly repaid, what won't be, will be the tens of billions in soon to be delinquent and discharged loans that GMAC 2.0's balance sheet will be riddled with following more horrible decisions by management dead set on pushing sales regardless of the future hit to the balance sheet, and as a result, will soon lead to yet another bailout of Government Motors.
Finally, at least we now know what that $11 billion new revolver which the firm reported closing on just two weeks ago, and which provided for an extra $6 billion in dry powder, will be used for: GM will borrow at LIBOR + basis points, and use the proceeds to fund what will soon be a new international loan book in the tens of billions, which will be used with reckless abandon.

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Wed, 11/21/2012 - 18:29 | 3003524 Seasmoke
Seasmoke's picture
isnt this called LAUNDERING ????????
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 18:45 | 3003553 knukles
knukles's picture
Some things never change.
After all this, GM is now "officially" back to the same fuck up of an organization it always was , sans debt.
Ugly, lousy cars with a finance arm based upon sub-prime lending in home auto and God only knows what fields.
Oh, and they've moved a buncha the shit to China.
Thanks, Washington!

PS... Has anybody ever considered why Detroit has become a Ghost Town, a Battlefield?  What was once a healthy industry became  constantly violated by government rules, regulations, mandates, taxes and intervention.
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 18:53 | 3003561 Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai's picture
Un. Be. Fucking. Lievable.
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 18:59 | 3003578 nmewn
nmewn's picture
No shit...can you say fascism.
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 19:07 | 3003589 Sofa King
Sofa King's picture
What was that thing Einstein said about the definition of insanity?
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 19:40 | 3003643 A Lunatic
A Lunatic's picture
Relevant to the desired results of course..........
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 19:08 | 3003594 Cdad
Cdad's picture
I was just about to say "fascism."
And this is what we get...this sick company in the market place, f'n things up continuously.
And I'll remind you that President Zero was so proud of this bailout, he actually had the audacity to bring it up during the debates, and M. Romney was so timid, he actually was put on the defensive for NOT supporting the bailouts...which he went on to claim that he did.
It has gotten so bad in this country, it is just ridiculous.  The culture out there is ignorant...and pretty much gone.
I will also remind you that the one decent thing that GM did in the last three decades was the creation of the Saturn Car company...which was tossed overboard, also to support the dead wood in this company...which later went on to try to reclaim their seriousness about fuel efficiency [which Saturns were known for] by building the f'n Chevy Volt...a car which immediatly priced itself out of the market...and required govt incentives to sell the few they did.
GM should be gone.  Period.  GM is a monument to incompetence.
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 19:38 | 3003636 Deo vindice
Deo vindice's picture
This is the "circle of death" - the snake devouring its own tail.
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 19:41 | 3003648 withnmeans
withnmeans's picture
I hate to say it, but things will remain as they are "until that moment hits".
That moment will then knock everything in the stop position.  Cars, food, shipping, farming, you name it, it won't be about any financial CLIFF, that is a can to be kicked to infinity "i.e. JAPAN".
Nope...... It will be $6.00 per gallon gas

The only way I see it getting there will be a large war in the Middle East "sooner or later, take your bets"
Good day- Happy Thanksgiving ZHers, and TYLERS too
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 19:40 | 3003646 New_Meat
New_Meat's picture
unAmerican to purchase or deal with GM.
Don't cha' know.
- Ned
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 19:06 | 3003586 walküre
walküre's picture
Don't know about ugly. Their latest "Malibu" edition looks just as fancy as the Accord, Camry or Sonata. If these cars are selling, why not theirs? Good riddance to their Hummer and Plymouth brands. Cadillac and Buick had a pretty strong come back.
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 19:31 | 3003623 Deo vindice
Deo vindice's picture
Uh, Plymouth was out of Chrysler Corp.
They did drop their Oldsmobile line-up however.
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 19:11 | 3003598 vast-dom
vast-dom's picture
just be a good sheeple eat your turkey and shop till you drop on friday.
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 18:59 | 3003579 BeagleOne
BeagleOne's picture
Same thing with AT&T. Broken up to get rid of the monopoly, then put back together through deregulation and ignoring antitrust merger laws...
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 18:35 | 3003536 phoolish
phoolish's picture

Shoot Me Now.
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 19:08 | 3003538 THE DORK OF CORK
THE DORK OF CORK's picture
Only in Norway is elec vehicles a success.

1. Cheap hydro elec power
2 . A oil / capital rich society
3.  extreme goverment tax breaks
4.   use of bus lanes by all elec. vehicles.


It does increase the countries internal redundancy to a small degree given its extreme power surplus.

Light simple elec vehicles such as the Twizy in France or Belgium (cheap Nuke power)  can work if you have the above conditions and live in compact towns where the local stores , rail station , work place etc is close at hand.

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 18:38 | 3003542 slackrabbit
slackrabbit's picture
GM sells GMAC to GM...yep you cannot make this stuff up!
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 19:36 | 3003631 Deo vindice
Deo vindice's picture
"GM sells GMAC to GM...yep you cannot make this stuff up!"
You could ... but then because truth is stranger than fiction, no one would believe you.
We really are living in an economic twilight zone where substance is almost impossible to differentiate from adumbrations.

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