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Thursday, November 1, 2012




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 1 Nov 2012, 6:27 PM PDT 12POST A COMMENT

There is virtually no doubt now that the Obama Administration, despite their attempts to lie to the American public, knew that the attack on the Benghazi compound and the subsequent slaughter of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, was not a spontaneous assault but a pre-planned attack.

In a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, headed by Darrell Issa (R-CA) and National Security Subcommittee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), pressed for answers after documents were revealed by Foreign Policy that showed the possible involvement of Government of Libya personnel in what was clearly a preplanned assault.  Issa and Chaffetz wrote:
These documents paint a disturbing picture indicating that elements of the Libyan government might have been complicit in the September 11, 2012 attack on the compound and the murder of four Americans.  It also reiterates the fact that the U.S. government may have had evidence indicating that the attack was not a spontaneous event but rather a preplanned terrorist attack that included prior surveillance of the compound as a target.
Given the location where they were found, these documents appear to be genuine and support a growing body of evidence indicating that the Obama Administration has tried to withhold pertinent facts about the 9/11 anniversary attack from Congress and the American people.
The letters are a damning indictment of the Obama Administration’s cover-up. Both letters were written on the morning of the attack, September 11, 2012, and recovered by journalists visiting the compound on October 26, just six days ago.  The first letter was written to Mohamed Obeidi, the Head of the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Benghazi:
The United States Special Mission Benghazi presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On Sunday, September 9, 2012, the U.S. Mission requested additional police support at our compound for the duration of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens’ visit. We requested daily, twenty-four hour police protection at the front and rear of the U.S. Mission as well as a roving patrol. In addition, we requested the services of a police explosion detection dog. We were given assurances from the highest authorities in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that all due support would be provided for Ambassador Stevens’ visit to Benghazi. However, we are saddened to report that we have only received an occasional police presence at our main gate. Many hours pass when we have no police support at all.
Finally, early this morning at 0643, September 11, 2012, one of our diligent guards made a troubling report. Near our main gate, a member of the police force was seen in the upper level of a building across from our compound. It is reported that this person was photographing the inside of the U.S. Special Mission and furthermore, that this person was part of the police unit sent to protect the mission. The police car stationed where this event occurred was number 322.
We submit this report to you with the hopes that an official inquiry can be made in this incident and that the U.S. Mission may receive the requested police support. The United States Special Mission Benghazi takes this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consideration and hopes for increased cooperation.
The second letter repeated the last two paragraphs and was addressed to Benghazi’s police chief:
Early this morning at 0643, September 11, 2012, one of our diligent guards made a troubling report. Near our main gate, a member of the police force was seen in the upper level of a building across from our compound. It is reported that this person was photographing the inside of the U.S. Special Mission and furthermore, that this person was part of the police unit sent to protect the mission. The police car stationed where this event occurred was number 322.
We submit this report to you with the hopes that an official inquiry can be made In this incident and that the U.S. Mission may receive the requested police support. The United States Special Mission Benghazi takes this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consideration and hopes for increased cooperation.
Issa and Chaffetz wrote:
The documents are fully consistent with the Committee’s understanding of events that took place before and during the attack on the compound and include new details not previously released to the public.  The letters ask the State Department whether the information included in the letters discussed above was memorialized in any cables, telegrams or e-mails prior to the attack or in any post-attack review … 
Once again, relevant information about the events leading up to the attack on the diplomatic compound in Benghazi comes to the Committee via the news media and not the product of information we have repeatedly requested from the Department of State. We remain deeply concerned that during an October 9, 2012 State Department briefing, which was conducted by unnamed senior state Department officials on the eve of our Committee hearing, one official claimed that there had been no security incidents at the consulate that day. “Everything is calm at 8:30 p.m,” the official said. “There’s nothing unusual. There has been nothing unusual during the day at all outside.” These statements appear to be inconsistent with the information included in the documents uncovered by Foreign Policy.
Inconsistent, hell. The State Department and their superiors in the White House knew from the beginning exactly what was going on.
And they lied.

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