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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Dem Lawmaker Pushes Legislation To Allow Guns At Work


Dem Lawmaker Pushes Legislation To Allow Guns At Work

jc_gunboxman_gunboxmanI don’t know about you, but I’m always in support of legislators who promote the Second Amendment, especially when they are clear that the right to keep and bear arms doesn’t necessarily have a thing to do with hunting, though that is certainly included. One such lawmaker is Alabama State Senator Roger Bedford, a Democrat from Russellville. He has pushed for legislation that would allow employees to carry handguns to work with the aim being towards protection to and from their place of employment.The bill is SB24 and was introduced on November 3, 2012.
“I think it’s necessary so people will have peace of mind when they’re traveling to and from work,” he said.
According to The Montgomery Advertiser, “The bill would prevent most employers from barring workers from transporting and storing firearms at work. Employees who bring weapons to work would be required to keep their guns locked up and out of sight.”
“This has it locked up out of sight in your car,” Bedford said. “You’ve got to have a pistol permit, which means you must be approved by a sheriff to have a gun legally.”
The National Rifle Association supported a previous bill that failed twice.
The President of the Business Council of Alabama Bill Canary opposes Bedford’s legislation. He claims that business community should be focused on creating jobs and not dealing with “unnecessary legislation” which would erode the constitutional property rights of businesses. I’ll just bet Mr. Canary is all in favor of finding ways to tax these businesses though.
“Alabama businesses are already struggling with burdensome regulations that impact productivity and increase costs,” said Canary.
The law wouldn’t apply to schools, though I can’t imagine why, or anywhere else that federal law would bar people from exercising their Second Amendment rights.
You see my fellow Americans, Bedford has a wonderful idea and that is to let people exercise their constitutionally protected Second Amendment rights, by being able to carry their firearms with them to and from work. Many employers across the nation prohibit such.
If employers prohibit the exercise of the Second Amendment, which they are within their rights to do, then do they not also become, in some part, responsible to provide adequate security to make sure their employees are protected? I’m just asking here. I certainly see nothing wrong with business owners exercising their rights to operate their businesses according to their rules, but if they are adamant about keeping law abiding citizens, especially those the state has issued a concealed carry permit, to lawfully carry their weapons to work, then they should take measures to protect those employees.
Businesses and schools that have a “no-gun” zone policy are simply letting criminals know they can come and do their evil deeds without any threat of retribution. This piece of legislation sounds like a step in the right direction.

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