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Saturday, November 24, 2012

59 voting divisions of Philadelphia where Romney received zero votes,”MAKER OF UNSKEWED POLLS CREATES ‘OBAMA VOTER FRAUD’ MAP — SEE WHICH STATES HE THINKS SHOULD’VE BEEN ROMNEY’S



Those arguing that President Obama’s victory in the election a few weeks back was due to fraud may have found a dubious ally in their quest to argue that Mitt Romney’s rightful victory was stolen from under his nose.
That ally is the much-mocked Dean Chambers, creator of the now arguably discredited website UnskewedPolls.com. Chambers, fresh off his last venture into arguing with numbers, has created the site barackofraudo.com, where he has posted this map, which he claims represents states that President Obama won by voter fraud:
Dean Chambers of UnskewedPolls.com Creates Obama Voter Fraud Map
Photo Credit: Barackofraudo.com
Anyway, the polls were right. Chambers has moved on, launching BarackOFraudo.com, “exposing how they stole the 2012 election.” It leads off with a map of the 2012 election that blacks out Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, and Virginia. They are “states won by Obama fraud.” What’s Chambers going on for that?
“I’m getting credible information of evidence in those states that there enough numbers that are questionable and could have swung the election,” he says. “I’m only putting good credible information on there, like the actual vote counts, reports, and mainstream publications reporting voter fraud. There’s a lot of chatter, though. There are articles people have sent me that don’t hold up. Crazy stuff.”
What’s not crazy? “Things like the 59 voting divisions of Philadelphia where Romney received zero votes,” says Chambers. “Even Larry Sabato said that should be looked into.” (I’ve looked into this: 57 precincts gave McCain no votes in 2008. There’s such a thing as a 99% Democratic precinct, and such a thing as a 99% Republican precinct.) Same story in Ohio. “Some of the precincts or divisions in cleveland were projected to be 99% Obama. That’s a part of the state where it’s known that a lot of ballot box scamming has been done in the past. There were isolated reports of people voting for Romney and having votes changed, though they didn’t get much attention.
To Chambers’ credit, he admits that he’s trying to prove something very difficult by amassing the data on his site, yet still sticks to the story he’s telling:
 Evidence of vote fraud is very much like that. Those who engage in it are slick and do all they can to hide it, so the evidence is often quite circumstantial. In fact, often the circumstantial evidence is all the evidence we have, such was finding tens of thousands of bogus votes in the ballot box, we didn’t see someone actually put them there, but they are found, they are there, and they are clearly evidence of vote fraud. Such is true of the voting divisions where Obama gets 100 percent of the votes cast. As if anyone REALLY believes that is legitimate.
As documented by TheBlaze, there are voting divisions where Mitt Romney also got 100 percent of the votes cast. Because of missed details like this, and his erroneous claim elsewhere that Virginia wasn’t called until Obama was leading, Chambers’ argument probably won’t face any success, or be taken with much seriousness by RNC leaders. However, that’s never stopped any of his fellow campaigners against stolen elections before

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