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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Group accuses Democrats of being anti-Catholic


A newly-formed 527 organization plans to run radio ads in six states attacking Democrats running for the U.S. Senate of abandoning their party’s traditions and “persecuting the Catholic Church” through the policies they support, The Daily Caller has learned.
The tax-exempt PAC, Defending Our Faith, will run ads against Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey, Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, Florida Sen. Bill Nelson and Wisconsin Rep. Tammy Baldwin.
“They openly and unapologetically support a president who is persecuting religious believers and especially the Catholic Church,” said Matt Mackowiak, a spokesman for Defending Our Faith, in reference to the senators.
“Because of Obama’s actions — and those of his Democratic allies — people are asking: Can a Catholic vote Democratic? The real question is: Can any American who values religious freedom vote Democratic?” said Mackowiak.
In the ad, the group accuses Democrats of supporting policies that would make the first Catholic nominees for president cringe.
“What would Al Smith or Jack Kennedy say about a Democratic President telling Catholics of America: ‘Change your religious beliefs or I will use the federal government’s financial power to shut down your hospitals?’” the ad states.
Said Mackowiak: “Some of these Democrats like to say they disagree with the president on his order to Catholic hospitals. This is stunning political duplicity. They vote for the enabling legislation — then give themselves a tiny verbal parachute for the voters back home — and then keep the liberals in Washington happy by wholeheartedly supporting Obama for re-election.”
Mackowiak said the ads will run through Election Day.

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