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Saturday, September 8, 2012

They will start making sure that people understand it was Obama who blew it, not liberalism that was rejected.

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On his Friday broadcast, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh reacted to what he suggested was a lackluster effort from President Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., on Thursday night by pointing to signs the media and the left could be turning on him.
Limbaugh referred to reports in the media, a New York Times piece in particular, that critiqued the president harshly.
“Yesterday, I spent some time on the program detailing for you recent news stories from slavish state-controlled media that love Obama — New York Times and Politico,” Limbaugh said. “The Politico talked about how this guy hasn’t given a good speech in four years! The New York Times on Sunday ran a piece saying that everybody thinks the guy’s cocky and arrogant. I said, ‘What is this?’ and it’s as I told you.”
That according to Limbaugh is setting the president up to be thrown “overboard” if he looks to be headed toward an electoral loss in November in order to save liberalism as an ideology.
“If these people in the media and if other powerful Democrats think, if they get it in their heads that Obama’s going to lose, they will throw him overboard to save the ideology,” he said. “The ideology must be saved and will not be blamed, and that’s what they’re setting up. When they say before last night that Obama hasn’t given a good speech in four years — and, by the way, that’s still accurate. And that was Politico.”
“Obama hadn’t given a good speech in four years, The New York Times piece on Sunday,” he continued. “If they think things are going south, if they think they’re going to lose, they will start making sure that people understand it was Obama who blew it, not liberalism that was rejected. Not big government that was rejected, not spending that was rejected, not debt. Not all the things that equal liberalism. None of that was rejected. Nope, it was Obama. They’re going to have to, because the ideology comes first. Obama will become the latest passing personality.”

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