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Marine Put in Psyco Hospital for Saying 9-11 Was an Inside Job

Written by Gary North on August 22, 2012
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A non-active-duty Marine posted on Facebook that 9-11 was an inside job. We need a revolution, he said.
He did not specify “Ron Paul revolution.” Just a revolution.
The FBI got the the local police department to interrogate him in his doorway. Then he was arrested. He was taken to a psychiatric hospital.
When the Web media found out, the police had a PR problem. So, it did the bureaucratic thing. It blamed the FBI.
The FBI also did the bureaucratic thing. It blamed the PD.
The Marine is still “missing in action.” He is still in the local nut house.
How he got there is an official mystery. The FBI says “we know nothing.” The PD says “we know nothing.”
Fans of Hogan’s Heroes will recognize this as the Sergeant Shultz defense.
It usually works.
There were people shooting videos of the arrest. Smartphones make things easier to prove.
So, when will he get out? The officials at the nut house are not saying.
Lesson: when you call for revolution on Facebook, say “Ron Paul revolution.” Otherwise, you may wind up in a nut house.
Also, don’t say that 9-11 was an inside job. Say that certain aspects of the operation are curious and need further investigation. Focus on Building 7, which collapsed, despite not having been hit by a plane.
America is a free country, as long as you don’t write or say certain things. You can think whatever you like.
The Marine has this advantage: the Rutherford Institute, a public interest law organization, is now on this case. The FBI and the police department have bitten off more than they can chew. They will find this out soon enough.
But if you say politically incorrect things, you may not be so lucky.
Fortunately, the head of the Rutherford Institute is an old friend. I figure I can say certain things that you may not allowed to say.