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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Democrats must be very desperate- Mitt Romney blamed for a woman’s death,and Allen West -He’s whacked women with his votes”

New Allen West Attack Ad Features Him Beating Old and Young Women And Stealing Form Families
It is hard to think of an attack ad lower than the one essentially blaming Mitt Romney for woman’s death, but we may have just found one.
It’s from Florida, and it depicts Allen West (R-FL) in a boxing ring with red gloves on.  The cartoon-like video then shows West punching an old woman, a young lady and seemingly a family with children.  He also steals cash from the hands of the family and pockets it, all while laughing like a gremlin.
And the audio matches the video. The female announcer says in condescending tone as sound effects play in the background:
“West has socked it to seniors”
“He’s whacked women with his votes”
“He’s mauled middle class families”
See for yourself:
The ad is starting to garner attention from critics, including one who thinks there are some racial undertones.  Javier Manjarres, who is following the race closely, notes:
 ”The ad slyly uses a caricature of West and portrays him as a bully who hits women- more specifically, a white women- while he grabs money away from a “middle class” family that just happens to be a black family.”
West called the ad “reprehensible,“ saying it ”shows a lack of regard for the issues plaguing our nation.”
The American Sunrise PAC is responsible for the video.  The group was incidentally founded by the father of Congressman West’s general election opponent, Democrat Patrick Murphy, who has funneled $250,000 into the PAC. 
UPDATE: The group responsible for the West advertisement has disabled all comments and ratings on their video page.  The immense distaste for the ad may have pressured this move.  As Blaze reporter Jason Howerton noted: The video on YouTube currently has more than 12,000 views, with 252 “dislikes” and just 16 “likes.”  The move is ironic since the group responsible for the ad claims to work for “thoughtful”, “more open”, “brighter future” in politics.
New Allen West Attack Ad Features Him Beating Old and Young Women And Stealing Form Families
New Allen West Attack Ad Features Him Beating Old and Young Women And Stealing Form Families
Congressman West is a shiny toothed boxer
New Allen West Attack Ad Features Him Beating Old and Young Women And Stealing Form Families
West punches seniors in the mouth
New Allen West Attack Ad Features Him Beating Old and Young Women And Stealing Form Families
He also punches young ladies
New Allen West Attack Ad Features Him Beating Old and Young Women And Stealing Form Families
Right in the kisser
New Allen West Attack Ad Features Him Beating Old and Young Women And Stealing Form Families
West hates women is the message
New Allen West Attack Ad Features Him Beating Old and Young Women And Stealing Form Families
West also attacks middle class families with children
New Allen West Attack Ad Features Him Beating Old and Young Women And Stealing Form Families
Three punches, one seemingly for each family member
New Allen West Attack Ad Features Him Beating Old and Young Women And Stealing Form Families
Then West steals their money

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