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Thursday, July 19, 2012

SO Michele Bachmann is crazy ,remember Fort Hood???MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD AND ITS U.S. TENTACLES


Michele Bachmann refuses to back down from her criticism of the Muslim Brotherhood and its tentacles within the United States. The congresswoman from Minnesota joined Glenn Beck on radio Thursday morning and continued to herald the warning about the Brotherhood. She also hit back at her critics, who have panned her for a letter she sent last Friday to the Inspectors General of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
“After the Fort Hood tragedy, a report was issued that said the real problem in our government is that we are not teaching FBI agents or our military to recognize radical Islam.  So that’s what we need to do,” Bachmann told Beck. “We need to teach about it.”
But recent developments — such as taking such curriculum from training programs — has made that nearly impossible. That prompted her to write the letter with four other members of Congress. And it hasn’t been welcomed.
Michele Bachmann Responds to Critics Over Muslim Brotherhood
Michele Bachmann (Getty Images)
“Never before in the history of the country have we seen this level of leaks coming out, but at the same time there’s also a parallel track of influence from the Muslim Brotherhood in the highest levels of the federal government, and we think that we need to get answers to these questions,” Bachmann said in the interview.  “And that’s the purpose of our letters.  We’re asking that the inspectors general answer these questions, and Keith Ellison is trying to shut this, these questions down from getting addressed.”
Ellison, Bachmann’s fellow Rep. from Minnesota, has called Bachmann’s inquiry “nonsense.”
Bachmann also responded to those such as John McCain who have criticized her for raising questions about the wife of disgraced Rep. Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin. Abedin is a top aide to Hillary Clinton, but she has family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
“She is the chief aid for the ‑‑ to the Secretary of State, and we quoted from a document, and this has been well reported all across Arab media, that her father ‑‑ her late father who’s now deceased was a part of the Muslim Brotherhood, Bachmann explained. She continued:
Her brother was a part of the Muslim Brotherhood, and her mother was a part of what’s called the Muslim Sisterhood.  It would be, we have requirements to get a high level security clearance.  One thing that the government looks at are your associations, and in particular your family associations.  And this applies to everyone.  It would be the same that is true with me.  If my family members were associated with Hamas, a terrorist organization, that alone could be sufficient to disqualify me from getting a security clearance.  So all we did is ask, did the federal government look into her family associations before she got a high level security clearance.
“And it’s not an unreasonable thing to ask seeing that this president and this administration has ‑‑ didn’t know ‑‑ apparently didn’t know that Van Jones was the founding ‑‑ one of the founding members of a radical revolutionary, anti‑American, Communist organization, and he’s in the White House,” Beck responded.
“But you’re not saying that she is compromised?  he asked later. “You’re saying have we looked into this, right?”
“That’s right,” she responded. “That‘s all we’re saying because we did not infer that she is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood or that she’s working on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
You can watch the interview below:

You might be wondering: What is all this Muslim Brotherhood stuff about? Luckily, we have you covered. In April, Beck aired an extensive documentary that detailed the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence in America. It was called “Rumors of War III: Target U.S.” You can read up on the background in our extensive piece here. TheBlaze’s national security expert, Buck Sexton, alsooffers some background:
As ROW III shows, the problem starts with America’s current conception of the radical Islamist enemy, stretches up to the most senior reaches of government, and has allowed a number of strategic– some even say existential– threats to magnify against the United States and its citizens.
Rumors of War III makes the case that international Islamist organizations have learned to thrive in the United States as part of a coordinated Psychological Operation. Hardline Islamist groups– including Muslim Brotherhood affiliates and their mouthpieces in the western media– have learned to code their language and make arguments about the intent of groups like the Muslim Brotherhood that are seemingly palatable to the average American.
[...] [T]hose on the front lines of combating Islamic terrorism are increasingly unable to be frank in their analysis or open with their conclusions. Somewhere along the way, a series of highly-placed advisers to the White House, Department of Defense, and other crucial government agencies have apparently convinced senior U.S. leadership that the mere discussion of radical Islam is inherently an offense to all people of Islamic faith.
See the key clips from “Rumors of War III” below:

You can watch the full documentary by signing up for GBTV here.

REMEMBER this ??


FBI Did Not Investigate Fort Hood Shooter Nidal Hassan Due to Political Correctness Despite Clear Warning Signs of Radical Islam
In this photo released by the Bell County Sheriffs Department, U.S. Major Nidal Hasan is shown after being moved from Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio to Bell County Jail in Belton, Texas. (AP)
WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI was too concerned about political correctness and did not launch an investigation into a man who was later charged with killing 13 people in the 2009 attack in Fort Hood, Texas, despite significant warning signs that he was an Islamic extremist bent on killing civilians, according to a lawmaker briefed on a new report about the terrorist attack.
In emails to a known terrorist, Army Maj. Nidal Hasan expressed his support for suicide bombings and killing civilians, while the terrorist, Anwar al-Awlaki, encouraged Hasan to stay in touch, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, told The Associated Press Wednesday after he was briefed on the findings of a new review of the attack.
The review was done by former FBI Director William Webster and was more than two years in the making. FBI Director Robert Mueller asked that Webster conduct an independent review, and the bureau is expected to release an unclassified version this week.
Much was already known about the series of oversights and missteps the government made leading to the terror attack at the Fort Hood Army post. Soon after the attack, it was revealed that members of two FBI anti-terrorism task forces saw emails between the Army psychiatrist and al-Awlaki beginning in December 2008. Those task forces reviewed the communications and decided they were in keeping with Hasan’s research at the time, and as a result, no formal investigation of Hasan was opened. Hasan was writing a research paper about the effects of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.
FBI Did Not Investigate Fort Hood Shooter Nidal Hassan Due to Political Correctness Despite Clear Warning Signs of Radical Islam
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
But McCaul said Webster’s report offers some new details that show the FBI was concerned about investigating an American Muslim in the military, and that is why an investigation was not pursued.
The FBI in San Diego had been investigating al-Awlaki, a former San Diego resident, for his possible connections to the 9/11 hijackers. When agents saw emails between Hasan and al-Awlaki, they asked the FBI‘s Washington office to talk to Hasan’s bosses, according to a government official briefed on the findings who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the Webster report. But the Washington agents thought that interviewing American Muslims who visit extremist websites was a sensitive issue and did not reach out to Hasan’s bosses at the Defense Department, the official said.
“It shows you the length of the political correctness stuff going on,” McCaul said after he was briefed on the findings of the independent review Wednesday.


FBI Did Not Investigate Fort Hood Shooter Nidal Hassan Due to Political Correctness Despite Clear Warning Signs of Radical Islam
In this photo released by the Bell County Sheriffs Department, U.S. Major Nidal Hasan is shown after being moved from Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio to Bell County Jail in Belton, Texas. (AP)
WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI was too concerned about political correctness and did not launch an investigation into a man who was later charged with killing 13 people in the 2009 attack in Fort Hood, Texas, despite significant warning signs that he was an Islamic extremist bent on killing civilians, according to a lawmaker briefed on a new report about the terrorist attack.
In emails to a known terrorist, Army Maj. Nidal Hasan expressed his support for suicide bombings and killing civilians, while the terrorist, Anwar al-Awlaki, encouraged Hasan to stay in touch, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, told The Associated Press Wednesday after he was briefed on the findings of a new review of the attack.
The review was done by former FBI Director William Webster and was more than two years in the making. FBI Director Robert Mueller asked that Webster conduct an independent review, and the bureau is expected to release an unclassified version this week.
Much was already known about the series of oversights and missteps the government made leading to the terror attack at the Fort Hood Army post. Soon after the attack, it was revealed that members of two FBI anti-terrorism task forces saw emails between the Army psychiatrist and al-Awlaki beginning in December 2008. Those task forces reviewed the communications and decided they were in keeping with Hasan’s research at the time, and as a result, no formal investigation of Hasan was opened. Hasan was writing a research paper about the effects of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.
FBI Did Not Investigate Fort Hood Shooter Nidal Hassan Due to Political Correctness Despite Clear Warning Signs of Radical Islam
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
But McCaul said Webster’s report offers some new details that show the FBI was concerned about investigating an American Muslim in the military, and that is why an investigation was not pursued.
The FBI in San Diego had been investigating al-Awlaki, a former San Diego resident, for his possible connections to the 9/11 hijackers. When agents saw emails between Hasan and al-Awlaki, they asked the FBI‘s Washington office to talk to Hasan’s bosses, according to a government official briefed on the findings who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the Webster report. But the Washington agents thought that interviewing American Muslims who visit extremist websites was a sensitive issue and did not reach out to Hasan’s bosses at the Defense Department, the official said.
“It shows you the length of the political correctness stuff going on,” McCaul said after he was briefed on the findings of the independent review Wednesday.

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