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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

On The Costa Concordia: Marxist-Socialist Captains Are Fun To Hang Out With At The Bar, But Will Push Past You In Disguise For The Lifeboats When Rocks Of Reality Strike

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

On The Costa Concordia: Marxist-Socialist Captains Are Fun To Hang Out With At The Bar, But Will Push Past You In Disguise For The Lifeboats When Rocks Of Reality Strike

In a society that has been deluded into believing the lies of marxist-socialist foolishness, everything is fun and games until you run out of other people's money and your ship runs aground. Case in point: Francesco Schettino, the Captain of the ill-fated Costa Concordia.

So how does a ride on the Costa Concordia compare with marxist-socialism? 

First of all, socialism hands control of the People over to a few easily corrupted authoritative elites. At first, everything seems nice and the Captain may pretend to be a compassionate sort of fellow, but in time, the Captain's selfishness leads him to laziness, drinking and lovemaking on duty. He may even steer the ship on a dangerously shallow collision course with rocks just to toot his horn. Eventually, the People and their lives are not considered first and foremost and, ultimately, the Captain lords himself over them.

Second, everything on the marxist-socialist ship seems like a big party until the reality of a failed economic models rip like an iceberg through the societal and political systems. Marxist-socialism was simply designed to fail, it can only destroy and cause the kind of chaos and collapse that ushers in  totalitarian enslavement. It has always been marketed and sold to selfish, idealistic fools to put in place a system that will, like any ponzi scheme, ultimately collapse. It is the system of genocidal bankers, elites and psychopathic tyrants.

Karl Marx was a lazy drunk and gambler that squandered every dime he ever had to the pathetic point that some of the children unlucky to be born into his squalid apartment simply died of malnutrition. On the other hand, Captain Schettino seems to be more of an idiot of a drunk...

Why do you think that federal programs such as Social Security are actually ponzi schemes? Despite your wishful thinking, why would you think that it will end up being an exception to the scientific, mathematical laws of the universe? Why would Captain Schettino think that his ship was immune to the rocks near the shore? Because both he and his ship were too big to fail? Maybe the poor marxist socialist Captain expected a bailout?

Thirdly, after disaster strikes, the elites are concerned only with their own hide. They did not rise to positions of power to shepherd and protect you - they are in positions of authority for their own enrichment and to lord it over you, to control you and keep you from learning who really is in charge behind the scenes in the crooked rigged world in which you live.

In the case of the Costa Concordia, Captain Schettino was seen wrapped in a blanket in one of the first lifeboats to be set off from the doomed ship. He even refused orders from the Italian Coast Guard to return to his ship. Although the Captain was finally heard agreeing he would return to the ship, he was allegedly already reaching the Tuscan shore where he jumped into a taxi and zoomed away from the scene of death, misery and disaster.

Maybe you shouldn't think that it will end any differently in modern society where the personal responsibility of the Traditional American Way has been replaced by marxist-socialist selfishness, undisciplined indulgence and depravity. These marxist-socialist elites despise those whom they lord it over, they have invented and used every method of eugenics and mass-murder imaginable against their own People resulting in the murder of hundreds of millions.

The Constitution of the United States is an excellent example of government based upon the sovereignty and rights of personal Liberty of individuals, contrary to the murder, mayhem and madness of Marx and socialism. We in America must reject the lies of marxist-socialism and return to our first principles if we are to restore our greatness ever again.

America's future assured by "progressives" a.k.a. marxist socialists and fascists 

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