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Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Former “Saturday Nigh Live” actress Victoria Jackson is facing some criticism over recent comments she made on “Politichicks,” a web talk show she co-hosts. During a recent episode, Jackson contended that the Muslim Brotherhood — the same Islamist group that has been winning Middle Eastern elections — has infiltrated the American government at its highest levels.
“I just went to a briefing in Washington D.C., across the street from the Capitol, at the Longworth building at 8:30 am two days ago and it changed my life,” she said. “For six hours, I saw pictures and names and dates and facts and Islamic law books and Korans, Surahs for six hours and they proved to me… that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our highest positions in government and this is serious.”
Watch these comments, below:
Jackson also detailed this meeting in a blog entry earlier this month, writing:
I went to a six hour briefing in Washington D.C. last week.  Thirty eight government representatives were invited. Fifteen showed up.  Slides, photos, names, dates and documents were shown overhead proving that the Muslim Brotherhood, not only planned the “Arab Spring” and Libyan take over, but has infiltrated our highest government positions, schools, courts and military and is even making policy.
Gossip blogger Perez Hilton, who typically rattles on about entertainment (with occasional hints of political news where there’s a cultural element), called Jackson “misinformed” and “uneducated,“ saying that ”there are barely any others in the world that match her low level.” He continued, contending that her comments about the Muslim Brotherhood are “ignorant hatred with no foundation in reality.”
While her statements are being dismissed, and those who spoke at the event she’s referencing have been scrutinized, Jackson isn’t the first person to question whether the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the American government. In August, self-described liberal Marxist Tarek Fatah‘swarned that the Muslim Brotherhood was attempting to embed itself in American government.
He said, “Instead of bringing victory over the fascist forces of the Muslim Brotherhood, we now recognize that their infiltration is right up to the American White House, but we can’t say that.”
Considering the Brotherhood’s past statements and goals, it’s not beyond reason that leaders would attempt to infiltrate the U.S. government. That being said, a “briefing” on Capitol Hill could be a wide-array of meetings setup by individuals who are unattached to the government. What Jackson attended was likely put on by a private group, thus we cannot know the quality or content of the information presented.
Either way, considering the rising prominence of the Brotherhood in the global schema, better understanding its radicalism, goals and aspirations would be in America’s best interest.
This isn’t the first time Jackson has grabbed headlines recently. This fall, she ventured down to Occupy Wall Street, where she had some intriguing conversations with protesters. She also caught some heat for criticizing homosexuals earlier this year.

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