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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Where's The Beef (money) Corzine???????


David Goldman for The New York TimesJon S. Corzine on the trading floor of MF Global last year. 

MF Global Trustee Says Shortfall Could Exceed $1.2 Billion

Jon S. Corzine on the trading floor of MF Global last year.David Goldman for The New York TimesJon S. Corzine on the trading floor of MF Global last year.
The amount of customer money missing from the collapsed trading firm MF Global may be more than $1.2 billion — double previous estimates — the trustee dismantling the firm’s brokerage unit said on Monday.
But the surprise finding, which caught regulators off guard, may be overstated, according to a person briefed on the investigation. Some regulators say they believe that the trustee double-counted $220 million that had been transferred between units of MF Global, this person said.
Still, the much higher number highlights the disarray of MF Global’s records and raises significantly the hurdle for tens of thousands of customers seeking to get their money back. The trustee’s estimate represents a significant portion of customer funds held by MF Global.
Regulators suspect that as investors and customers fled MF Global in the last week of October, the firm used some of the customer money for its own needs — violating Wall Street rules that customers’ money be kept separate from the firm’s funds. Much of that money may never return.

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