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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This kinda reminds one of trying do dump N.O.S. down the carb with a hand valve.. Engines don't last long.... Stocks Surge As Bernanke, ECB Throw More Dollars At Europe's Crisis


  This kinda reminds one of trying do dump N.O.S. down the carb with a hand valve.. Engines don't last long....

Stocks Surge As Bernanke, ECB Throw More Dollars At Europe's Crisis

WASHINGTON - DECEMBER 07:  Federal Reserve Ban...  

While the effort to provide more liquidity may temporarily soothe the symptoms of Europe’s debt crisis and allow financial institutions easier access to funding, it does little to address the underlying roots of overburdened governments that need to be propped up while they drastically cut spending.
Efforts to tackle the crucial issues at the heart of the crisis continue to move in fits and starts. The European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) announced new leverage tools geared at increasing its lending capacity on Wednesday, but it still remains to be seen where the additional financing will come from for the public-private special purpose vehicles the EFSF intends to use to provide funding to sovereign governments through primary and secondary bond market purchases. That funding could in turn be used to recapitalize European banks that are at risk of crumbling due to their exposure to the region’s shaky credits.
Those concerns took a backseat Wednesday morning though, as equities rallied and bond yields in at-risk countries like Italy and Spain held fairly steady.

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